I do not mean to embody the illusions of Tonio Kröger, whose dreams of uniting a chaste north to a passionate south were exalted here, fifty-three years ago, by Thomas Mann.
"Adolescent angst is one thing", says Dan O’Mahoney, vocalist forDONE DYING. "But in reality adult life is harder and the pressures are greater. There is more on the line".
Southwest Rethinks Plane Retirement
Southwest is reconsidering some operating plans in the wake of maintenance lapses, from the pace of retiring old jetliners to outsourcing maintenance overseas.
Journey to the East by Le Corbusier, Edited by Ivan Zaknic《東方游記》:兩處錯誤
這本書牽涉到西方基督教藝術的地方不少,而一些地方是作者回想起幾年前他的義大利之旅的”觀畫經驗,譬如說,英文本注說:The panels he mentions are exhibited at the Pinacoteca Nazionale in Sienna. The four separate panels depict The Triumph of Death, The Triumph of Chastity, The Triumph of Love , The Triumph of Fame 可惜我在internet上找不到詳細的解釋。
Today's Papers: The Fed Goes Deep
The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and USA Today all lead with, while the Wall Street Journal devotes much of its Page One to, the Federal Reserve announcing a series of moves to try to bring some stability to the increasingly shaky financial markets. Lest these be confused as just one more of the series of measures the Fed has taken in recent months, the papers make clear that this latest action is "dramatic" (WP), "extraordinary" (LAT), and "apparently unprecedented" (NYT). The Fed opened up its lending practices to make more money available to the biggest investment firms on Wall Street, and cut a key interest rate (the so-called discount window) for financial institutions by a quarter of a percentage point. The central bank also announced it would extend a $30 billion credit line to help J.P. Morgan Chase complete the purchase of Bear Stearns for what the WSJ calls "the fire-sale price" of $2 a share.
on the line
phrase of line
at serious risk.
"their careers were on the line"
(of a picture in an exhibition) hung with its centre about level with the spectator's eye.
phrase of line
- 1.at serious risk."their careers were on the line"
- 2.(of a picture in an exhibition) hung with its centre about level with the spectator's eye.
Meaning #1: extend in importance or range
chastity:(1)貞潔聖德;貞德;守貞:讓理智控制自己的性感、情慾,人應有羞恥之心,非禮勿思、勿視、勿言、勿動。拉丁文稱作 castitas;又稱貞操或潔德。任何基督徒,無論結婚與否,都應照自己身分潔身自愛。(2) 貞潔聖願:照福音勸諭誓許天主度獨身生活的信徒,譬如男女會士和拉丁禮的神父、主教即是。
noun [U]
the state of not having sexual relationships or never having had sex:━━ n. 純潔; 簡素.

As a monk, he took vows of chastity, poverty and obedience.
adjective FORMAL
1 not having had sex, or only having a sexual relationship with the person whom you are married to:
In the past, a woman needed to be chaste to make a good marriage.
They exchanged a few chaste kisses (= not expressing sexual desire).
2 describes decoration or style that is very simple and smooth:
I like the simple, chaste lines of their architecture.
lapse (FAILURE)
noun [C]
a temporary failure:
a lapse of concentration
The management's decision to ignore the safety warnings demonstrated a remarkable lapse of judgment.
a memory lapse上面本段用法比一般的 retirement用意更廣: