abhor Show phonetics
verb [T not continuous] -rr- FORMAL
to hate a way of behaving or thinking, often because you think it is immoral:
I abhor all forms of racism.
abhorrent Show phonetics
adjective FORMAL
morally very bad:
an abhorrent crime
Racism of any kind is abhorrent to me.
abhorrence Show phonetics
noun [S or U] FORMAL
She looked at him in/with abhorrence.
She has an abhorrence of change.
━━ vt. (-rr-) 恐れてきらう, 憎悪する, ひどくきらう.

━━ n. 嫌悪(けんお), 憎悪; 大嫌いなもの.
ab・hor・rent ━━ a. (物事が)ぞっとするほど嫌な, 忌まわしい, いやな ((to me)); (人が)ひどく嫌がる ((of it)); 相容(い)れぬ ((to, from)); 矛盾する ((to)); 懸け離れた ((from)).
ab・hor・rer ━━ n.