2008年11月8日 星期六


That matters. Under George Bush America’s international standing has sunk to awful lows. This week Americans voted in record-smashing numbers for many reasons, but one of them was an abhorrence of how their shining city’s reputation has been tarnished. Their country will now be easier for its friends to like and harder for its foes to hate.

abhor Show phonetics
verb [T not continuous] -rr- FORMAL
to hate a way of behaving or thinking, often because you think it is immoral:
I abhor all forms of racism.

abhorrent Show phonetics
adjective FORMAL
morally very bad:
an abhorrent crime
Racism of any kind is abhorrent to me.

abhorrence Show phonetics
noun [S or U] FORMAL
She looked at him in/with abhorrence.
She has an abhorrence of change.


━━ vt. (-rr-) 恐れてきらう, 憎悪する, ひどくきらう.
 ━━ n. 嫌悪(けんお), 憎悪; 大嫌いなもの.
ab・hor・rent ━━ a. (物事が)ぞっとするほど嫌な, 忌まわしい, いやな ((to me)); (人が)ひどく嫌がる ((of it)); 相容(い)れぬ ((to, from)); 矛盾する ((to)); 懸け離れた ((from)).
ab・hor・rer ━━ n.


