homemade 'bean books' on a roll
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The Reverend was on a roll. "Sons, obey your fathers. But fathers, help your sons to dream. If they are confused, counsel them. If they stray, search them out and bring them home. ..."
“Religulous” is directed by Larry Charles, whose credits include “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan” and many episodes of HBO’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm.” And the movie has the same loose, on-the-road structure as “Borat.” Much of Mr. Maher’s film is extremely funny in a similarly irreverent, offhanded way. Some true believers — at least those who have a sense of humor about their faith — may even be amused. But most will not.
on the road
1. Traveling, as in Our salesmen are on the road five days a week. [Mid-1600s]
2. on the road to. On the way to, following a course that will end in. For example, We could see Mary was on the road to recovery, or The business obviously was on the road to ruin. [Mid-1600s]
(ôf'hănd', ŏf'-)
Without preparation or forethought; extemporaneously.
adj. also off·hand·ed (-hănd'ĭd)
Performed or expressed without preparation or forethought. See synonyms at extemporaneous.
offhandedly off'hand'ed·ly adv.
offhandedness off'hand'ed·ness n.
be on a roll INFORMALto be having a successful or lucky period:
Pippa won five games in a row and it was obvious she was on a roll.