Tens of thousands of people have gathered in a stadium in Bangkok in a show of support for the Thai government. The rally was ment to counter anti-government demonstrators led by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), who accuse the current administration of being a proxy of ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Thaksin was toppled by a coup on September 19, 2006 and was recently sentenced in absentia to two years in jail for abuse of power.
SEOUL – In another sign that the global downturn is slamming even the strongest companies, Samsung Electronics Co. on Friday announced its first net loss since it started reporting quarterly results in 2000.
The loss, though small at 20 billion won, or $14.4 million, is a significant comedown for a company that wrote one of the biggest high-tech success stories of the decade.
Samsung doubled in sales in just three years from 2001 to 2003 and in 2004 earned more money than any other in company in high tech, beating even traditional profit powerhouses Microsoft Corp. and Intel Corp. Since ...
Mets Win First Game of 2-Site Doubleheader
David Wright boarded one of the buses that the Mets and the Yankees took from Yankee Stadium to Shea Stadium in the third split-stadium doubleheader in their history.
Josh Haner/The New York Times
━━ n. (pl. ~s, sta・di・a 

) 競技場, スタジアム; (古代ギリシアの)競走場; スタディオン ((古代ギリシアの長さの単位)); 【医】(病状の)進行段階.
n. - 雙車頭火車, 連賽
Doubleheader is the term used to describe two baseball games played between the same two teams on the same day. (The term originated in the railroad industry; see doubleheader.)
come down (LOWER LEVEL) phrasal verb
1 If a price or a level comes down, it becomes lower:
House prices have come down recently.
Inflation is coming down.
2 INFORMAL to feel less excited after a very enjoyable experience:
The whole weekend was so wonderful I haven't come down yet.
a situation that is not as good as the one you were in before:
These days he plays to audiences of a hundred or fewer which is a bit of a comedown after Wembley Stadium.
in absentia
(ĭn ăb-sĕn'shə, -shē-ə)While or although not present; in absence: was tried and convicted in absentia.
[Latin in absentiā : in, in + absentiā, ablative of absentia, absence.]
Idioms: in absentia
While not present, as in He was tried and convicted in absentia, or He was awarded his degree in absentia. This expression is Latin for "in absence"; its use in English dates from the late 1800s.