airy, commitment
Peter Drucker, one of the 20th century’s best known business thinkers, said, “Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes . . . but no plans.”
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead" .
As the church was built in 1719, the bricks were hand-made and at the time gave a gloomy look to the exterior of the building. But the seven tall windows down the sides makes the inside light and airy.
airy (LIGHT)
adjective APPROVING
with a lot of light and space:
The new offices are light and airy.
commit (PROMISE 這字眼與引文上述衝突)
verb [I or T] -tt-
1 to promise or give your loyalty, time or money to a particular principle, person or plan of action:
[R] Like so many men, he has problems committing himself to a relationship.
The government must commit itself to improving health care.
Once we have committed to this course of action there is no going back.
2 commit yourself to express an opinion or to make a decision that you tell people about:
I think I can come but I won't commit myself till I know for sure.
1 loyal and willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in:
a committed socialist/Christian/teacher
2 [after verb] having promised to be involved in a plan of action:
We are committed to withdrawing our troops by the end of the year.
1 [C or U] when you are willing to give your time and energy to something that you believe in, or a promise or firm decision to do something:
her commitment to left-wing politics/the cause of feminism/the company
She is known chiefly for her commitment to nuclear disarmament.
I'd like to thank the staff for having shown such commitment.
Try the product out in the comfort of your own home with absolutely no commitment to buy!
2 [C] something that you must do or deal with that takes your time:
family/work commitments
I've got too many commitments at the moment to do an evening class.
Children are such a commitment.
As the church was built in 1719, the bricks were hand-made and at the time gave a gloomy look to the exterior of the building. But the seven tall windows down the sides makes the inside light and airy.
commit (PROMISE 這字眼與引文上述衝突)

━━ vt. (-tt-) 犯す (~ suicide [a crime, an error]); 委託[委任]する ((to)); (獄・精神病院に)入れる; 陥れる ((to)); 束縛する (~ oneself to do [to a promise]); 困難な立場に立たせる.
commit oneself 意見を述べる ((on)); 身をゆだねる ((to)); 自分(の評判[名誉])を危うくする.
commit to paper [print, writing] 書留める.
commit・man 委員 ((1人)).
com・mit・ment, com・mit・tal ━━ n. 委任[託]; 約束, 責任; 収容(令状).
com・mit・ted ━━ a. 献身的な, 打ち込んでいる; 傾倒した ((to)).

━━ n. ((集合的)) 委員会, 委員.
be in committee 委員会で審議中である.
be [sit] on a [the] committee 委員会の一員である.
Committee of Ways and Means 【英議会】(the ~) 歳入委員会.
commit・woman (女性の)委員.
on the go

1 very busy:
I've been on the go all day and I'm really tired.
2 UK in the process of being produced:
Did you know that she's got a new book on the go (= being written).