“中國運動服裝行業競爭正日趨白熱化。在全球霸主耐克與阿迪達斯在中國不斷擴張的同時﹐一些本土公司也不甘落後。” wsj
「耐克」很可能是將錯就錯的翻譯:原來她是希臘勝利女神:Ni·ke (nī'kē) 
n. Greek Mythology.
The goddess of victory.
為什麼運動商品廠商選她當公司名,音樂她也是希臘運動人員的神:The goddess of victory in ancient Greece. She was honoured by Zeus because she fought on the side of the gods against the Titans. So the Athenians dedicated her statue in Delphi after the naval victory over the Persians at Salamis (480 BC). However, athletes and charioteers also paid her honour for their successes in the games. For the Romans Nike became a symbol of victory over death, their own Victoria ensuring earthly conquests. Victoria's most important altar was placed in the senate house by Augustus in 29 BC.