多數台灣人選出了心中的白馬王子,但別忘了,馬英九是靠表演政治起家的,他從政數十年以「不沾鍋」出名,凡涉及形象者必更正之,在新聞圈獲「馬更正」之名。現在不沾鍋當家,走進廚房辦料理 ,他周圍「傢俬」夠不夠?堪不堪用?調和鼎鼐,馬總舖師會端出什麼?餓過頭的先別想吃到飽
The term "teflon character" is used in reference to persons to whom criticism does not seem to stick. The term comes from Teflon, the well-known "non-stick" chemical used on cookware.
The phrase "Teflon president" was coined by
It's also been applied to
Since leaving Downing Street last June, Mr Blair has taken on the role of Middle East peace envoy for the "quartet" of the EU, Russia, the US and UN.
Downing Street noun [U]
the road in central London where the official home of the British Prime Minister is situated:
The Prime Minister lives at 10 Downing Street.
Downing Street group noun [U]
the British government or the British Prime Minister:
The announcement took Washington and Paris by surprise, but Downing Street had been expecting it.
quartet Show phonetics
━━ n. 【楽】四重奏団, 四重奏[唱]曲; 四つ組, 四人組.
group noun [C]
a group of four people who play musical instruments or sing as a group:
A string quartet was playing Mozart.
He has composed 14 quartets and 11 symphonies.
quartet Show phonetics
noun [C]
a piece of music written for four people
━━ n. 潜水艦.
On Feb. 3, 1917, the United States broke off diplomatic relations with Germany, which had announced a policy of unrestricted submarine warfare.
Kursk: Russian nuclear submarine sank in the Barents Sea, killing the whole of its 118-member crew (2000)
Blair said Britain will maintain its submarine-based nuclear deterrent to counter threats like North Korea and Iran, and plans a $40 billion overhaul.
(December 5, 2006 )
━━ a. 海中の[で使う,で育つ].
此外,名牌的经典潜水表款,尤其是最简单的Rolex Submariner的价格却在拍卖中逐步攀升。在推出当年,这些“大只”的潜水表虽然提供了绝佳的可视面积,但却仅适合手臂粗壮的佩戴者。不过时过境迁,昔日的“大只”却成为了正常尺寸。
「不沾鍋」teflon,這故事也很長,我曾向Bruce Lee解釋某文話評論家(南方搠)談Regan之nickname典故之誤。
利用一小塊特弗隆海棉,將腦底的腦神經與血管隔開。(《神經外科的黑色喜劇》(When the Air Hits Your Brain )吳程遠譯,台北:天下文化出版社,1999 年, p.77。)」