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"... Real intellectuals constitute a clerisy, very rare creatures indeed, since what they uphold are eternal standards of truth and justice that are precisely not of ..." |
真正的知識分子形成了一個知識階層(clerisy),的確是稀有罕見之人,因為他們支持、維護的正是不屬於這個世界的真理與正義的永恆標準。他說:真正 的知識分子「他們的活動本質上不是追求實用的目的,而是在藝術、科學或形而上的思索中尋求樂趣,簡言之,就是樂於尋求擁有非物質方面的利益,因此以某種方 式說:『我的國度不屬於這世界』」。
HC改--沒原文 猜測
真正的知識分子形成了文人精英圈(clerisy),的確是稀有罕見之人,因為他們支持、維護的正是真理與正義的永恆標準-- 而它們不屬於這個塵世的。
boycott, showcase, draconian
Among ambitious students, party membership is an attractive asset because of the connections it brings. One professor at a leading Beijing university says that although his very best students turn up their nose at the idea, many others are eager to join the party because they believe it will boost their job prospects.
Such favourable attitudes to the Chinese party-state were present in the other episode of political activism that stirred Xinzhuang this year – when this time the protesters were defending the good name of the government. In the aftermath of the March unrest in Tibet and chaos surrounding the Olympics torch relay in London and Paris, many were outraged at what they saw as attempts to humiliate China in its Olympics year.
After internet users began to call for a boycott of French goods, large demonstrations were held at several Carrefour supermarkets. At the Carrefour next to Friendship Shopping in Xinzhuang, teenagers milled outside with T-shirts saying “Tibet WAS, IS and ALWAYS will be part of China”. A middle class insecure about its own status identified closely with the overseas prestige of China.
The stirring up of the election on Taiwan, which Beijing has long considered its top national security priority, is a potentially heavy price for the Tibetan unrest and the ensuing police action. Beijing also faces a stronger international outcry over its human rights record and scattered calls to boycott the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympic Games, which China hopes will showcase the country’s rapid development.
With politicians from both parties concluding that the Tibet issue is hurting the Nationalists, Mr. Ma has focused on damage control. To the surprise of many even in his own party, he warned this week that Taiwan might boycott the Olympics if the Chinese crackdown in Tibet turned more draconian and if conditions there deteriorated further.
boycott 杯葛
to refuse to buy a product or take part in an activity as a way of expressing strong disapproval:
People were urged to boycott the country's products.
The union called on its members to boycott the meeting.
noun [C]
A boycott of/against goods from the EU began in June.
showcase (OPPORTUNITY)
noun [C]
a situation or event which makes it possible for the best features of something to be seen:
The Venice Film Festival has always been the showcase of Italian cinema.
The exhibition is an annual showcase for British design and innovation.
verb [T]
to show the best qualities or parts of something:
The main aim of the exhibition is to showcase British design.
adjective FORMAL
describes laws, government actions, etc. which are unreasonably severe; going beyond what is right or necessary:
draconian laws/methods
He criticized the draconian measures taken by the police in controlling the demonstrators.
Educated people considered as a group; the literati.
[German Klerisei, clergy, from Medieval Latin clēricia, from Late Latin clēricus, priest. See clerk.]