Most people were revolted at how a French politician's sex tape was exposed and at the Russian artist who released it, not at the tape itself
IPhone gets tepid reception in China.
Germany's Luke Warm Reaction To The iPhone
More than 1 million iPhones have been sold in the US, since theApple product was launched there. Now, less than a week afterthe handset went on sale here in Europe, mobile phone of all time.
insouciance | (noun) Blithe lack of concern; nonchalance. |
Synonyms: | carefreeness, lightheartedness, lightsomeness |
Usage: | He replied with characteristic insouciance, "So what?" |
- 発音記号[insúːsiəns]
- [名][U]((形式))心配[苦労]のないこと, のんき, 無関心, むとんじゃく.
lukewarm (REACTION) Show phonetics
Gnot enthusiastic or interested:
Her proposals got a lukewarm response.
翅膀製作中 許昕 (20080709)
在建築設計之中,有所謂的 program與 concept。新世紀的來臨,建築突破過去規制、發展出新的型態以配合過去前所未聞的對應方式的作品一一誕 生……,─如同這個資訊爆炸混亂的世代,一切都呈現允許推翻前提的面貌。此時,最厲害的角色,當然就是掌握漂亮的 concept,推翻過去的基本設定,自 己架設出全新的 program,建構出另一種願景,再以建築手法,實現它。
魯克溫 為 下字怪譯
- Mildly warm; tepid.
- Lacking conviction or enthusiasm; indifferent: gave only lukewarm support to the incumbent candidate.
indifferent (NOT INTERESTED
not caring about or interested in someone or something:
Why don't you vote - how can you be so indifferent (to what is going on)!
He found it very hard teaching a class full of indifferent teenagers.
noun [U]
Many native speakers of a language show indifference to/towards grammatical points.
His attitude was one of bored indifference.
She shrugged indifferently.