Many logged on from home to avoid worsening the coronavirus outbreak.

China’s Virus-Stricken Cities Remain World’s Biggest Ghost Towns
In many ways, it’s like a ghost town. It’s eerily quiet. Driving around in the middle of the afternoon, in a city that once was among the most productive on the planet, you see very little traffic, minimal commercial activity, hardly any pedestrians.
boom town noun [C]
a town that experiences sudden economic growth
CNN報導墨西哥市已因流感幾乎成 ghost town
全成 鬼域
ghost town
A once thriving town, especially a boomtown of the American West, that has been completely abandoned.
A once thriving town that has been completely abandoned, as in Many of the old mining communities are ghost towns now. This idiom implies that there are no living people left in town. [First half of 1900s]
noun [C]
a spirit of a dead person believed by some to visit the living as a pale, almost transparent form of a person, animal or other object; a ghost:
A phantom coach is said to pass through the grounds of this house when there's a full moon.
“Marketing is so basic that it cannot be considered a separate function… it is the whole business.” (Peter Drucker’s 1954 classic, ‘The Practice of Management’)
market (SHOP)
confusion marketing noun [U] SPECIALIZED
selling products or services together in a way that makes it very difficult to decide which company's products or services are cheapest
科恩:在上世紀30年代初的大蕭條時期﹐寶潔公司 (Procter & Gamble Co.)說過﹐我們將竭盡全力營銷我們的產品﹐我們要在收音機上營銷──這類似於那個時代的互聯網──我們還將讚助這些小戲劇──這這就是它們最終被稱為 肥皂劇的原因。因此﹐(衰退時的一個教訓)就是市場﹐市場。不要削減營銷。