A trial of a new high-precision surgical robot used to operate on women with breast cancer found the system is safe.

Robot-assisted high-precision surgery has passed its first test in humans
Recent demonstrations of weapon accuracy have geopolitical implications
「精確,精確,精確!」(Accuracy, Accuracy, Accuracy!),「即時,謙恭,誠懇!」(Promptness, Courtesy, Geniality!)
當然,標語早已隨該報倒閉而灰飛煙滅,今天的媒體更沒把這些字眼──除了「即時」二字──放在心上了。但讀者真的不再需要精確,不再想看謙恭與誠懇的媒體了嗎? 如果今天的媒體要在自家牆上貼標語,會貼什麼呢? 是社群、互動、分享,還是按讚數、點閱率、大數據?....
The disciplines Fleming absorbed as a correspondent for Reuters in the 1930s made him a stickler for accuracy, and the exhibition shows how this fed into Bond’s guns.
BRIEF-Microsoft partners with Cisco on unified computing system
Forbes - NY,USA
Neither the Subscriber nor Thomson Reuters warrants the completeness or accuracy of the Service or the suitability of the Service as a trading aid and ...
:the vendor warrants (officially) affirm or guarantee the accuracy of the report
Kushner separates himself with scalpel-like precision from the known facts about the Russia affair.
As she did in her Pulitzer Prize-winning collection of stories “Interpreter of Maladies” (1999) and her dazzling 2003 novel “The Namesake,” Ms. Lahiri writes about these people in “Unaccustomed Earth” with an intimate knowledge of their conflicted hearts, using her lapidary eye for detail to conjure their daily lives with extraordinary precision:
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
"Baroque Era telescopes and astrolabes and the precision-engineered innards of a humanoid automaton who can write her name in a neater hand than your own on a piece of paper: these are the oddities and near-Faustian feats of human ingenuity that fill to overflowing several packed rooms at The Met."
2009年1月12日 星期一
accuracy準確 , precision 精密
on Page 10: "... Cost is often the determining factor in the size of the sample. The question then arises whether the accuracy obtainable at this cost will be satisfactory. Statistical theory and knowledge of costs make possible prediction of the precision obtainable for a given total cost. ..."
on Page 26: "... of the uses of the data to be obtained. Statistical theory helps to avoid 2 types of error: 1. More precision than the purpose requires; 2. Insufficient precision for the purpose. ..."
Variance is an imperfect measure of precision unless the distribution of the estimates is normal; Sir Ronald Fisher, Statistical Methods and Scientific Inference (Oliver and Boyd, 1956):
on Page 26: "... of the uses of the data to be obtained. Statistical theory helps to avoid 2 types of error: 1. More precision than the purpose requires; 2. Insufficient precision for the purpose. ..."
Variance is an imperfect measure of precision unless the distribution of the estimates is normal; Sir Ronald Fisher, Statistical Methods and Scientific Inference (Oliver and Boyd, 1956):
on Page 10: "... Cost is often the determining factor in the size of the sample. The question then ariseswhether the accuracy obtainable at this cost will be satisfactory. Statistical theory and knowledge of costs make possible prediction of the precision obtainable for a given total cost. ..."
on Page 26: "... of the uses of the data to be obtained. Statistical theory helps to avoid 2 types of error: 1. More precision than the purpose requires; 2. Insufficient precision for the purpose. ..."
Variance is an imperfect measure of precision unless the distribution of the estimates is normal; Sir Ronald Fisher, Statistical Methods and Scientific Inference (Oliver and Boyd, 1956):
a person who thinks that a particular type of behaviour is very important, and always follows it or tries to make other people follow it:
He's a stickler for detail/accuracy/efficiency.
A person who insists on a certain quality or type of behaviour:he’s a stickler for accuracyI’m a stickler when it comes to timekeeping