Keeping customers, employees, investors and analysts happy is no mean feat. So what is the retailer’s secret?
Benjamin List and David MacMillan independently developed a precise new tool for building new molecules – organocatalysis – which has made chemistry greener.
Catalysts are used to control and accelerate reactions in a vast number of industries. Our laureates have shown that organic catalysts, which are cheaper and more environmentally friendly than traditional catalysts, can be used to drive multitudes of chemical reactions.
Using these reactions, researchers can now more efficiently construct anything from new pharmaceuticals to molecules that can capture light in solar cells. They have even identified an organocatalyst that can break down plastic waste.
They are not the only laureates whose work has made our lives more sustainable, from growing enough food to feed Earth’s growing population and combatting deforestation, to highlighting the damaging effect of CFC gases on ozone.
Learn more:
#EarthDay #NobelPrize
On the World’s Largest Cruise Ship, Thrills and Space to Chill
The water rides on Royal Caribbean’s Icon of the Seas were wild. But the most surprising thing our reporter found? Some actual peace and quiet.
On the World’s Largest Cruise Ship, Thrills and Space to Chill
The water rides on Royal Caribbean’s Icon of the Seas were wild. But the most surprising thing our reporter found? Some actual peace and quiet.
As early as December, Taiwanese health officers boarded flights arriving from Wuhan to check passengers for symptoms before they could leave the plane. ?真的?
Commentary: With command and control, Taiwan excels in managing COVID-19
A key element in Taiwan’s preparedness was the lessons learned from its devastating experience with the SARS epidemic in 2003, says Don Shapiro.
Other ships in the strike group sometimes undertake offensive operations (launching cruise missiles, for instance) and the carrier's air wing contributes to the strike group's defense (through combat air patrols and airborne anti-submarine efforts). Thus, from a command and control perspective, carrier strike groups are combat organized by mission rather than by platform.
The bipolar structure of the world economy – the US and Europe consumes, and the rest of the world provides inputs for that consumption as cheaply as possible – has forever broken down.
Post-Covid-19, globalisation and supply chains will be changed forever
Global lockdowns are disrupting supply chains and giving the world a taste of economic decoupling. But the gains of globalisation and the internet cannot be rolled back, so what awaits us is not the…
noun [C]
either of two completely opposite or different opinions, positions or qualities:
These two men might be thought to represent the opposite poles of economic ideology.
Polar opposites are complete opposites:
The novel deals with the polar opposites of love and hate.
noun [U]
the quality of being opposite:
The film is based on the polarity of the two main characters.
說起來好像很簡單:美蘇爭霸時,世界是「兩元」(bipolarity)的, 群雄並起的年代則稱為「多元」(multipolarity); 但今年5、6月號的《外交事務》(Foreign Affairs)雙月刊,卻創造出這個新字。且出自外交關係協會(Council on Foreign Relations,簡稱CFR)會長理查.哈斯(Richard N. Haass)筆下,那就非同小可了。
bipolar (bī-pō'lər)

Relating to or having two poles or charges.
Relating to a device capable of using two polarizations, such as a transistor that uses positive and negative charge carriers.
Relating to or involving both of the earth's polar regions.
Having two opposite or contradictory ideas or natures: the bipolar world of the postwar period.
Biology. Having two poles or opposite extremities: a bipolar neuron.
Psychology. Relating to a major affective disorder that is characterized by episodes of mania and depression. bipolarity bi'po·lar'i·ty (-lăr'ĭ-tē) n
bipolar disorder Show phonetics
manic depression
━━ a. 2電極[極地]の; 2極の; 両極端の.

Command and control - Wikipedia › wiki › Command_and_control
Command and control (C2) is a "set of organizational and technical attributes and processes ... [that] employs human, physical, and information resources to solve problems and accomplish missions" to achieve the goals of an organization or ...