Plus, we found steep discounts on a set of Matter-ready smart plugs and the second-gen Apple Pencil.
Mr. Sakamoto’s attention to sound suffused his daily life. After many years of eating at the Manhattan restaurant Kajitsu, he recalled in a 2018 interview with The New York Times, he wrote an email to the chef saying, “I love your food, I respect you and I love this restaurant, but I hate the music.” Then, without fanfare or pay, he designed subtle, tasteful playlists for the restaurant.
He simply wanted better sounds to accompany his meals.
The pattern emerging in Joe Biden's foreign policy differentiates not only from that of Donald Trump but also from that of Barack Obama
America has not had a president so steeped in foreign affairs in 30 years
Joe Biden is reshaping America's global role
Geoffrey Hill, who died on June 30th 2016, wrote eloquently about Englishness. He was also—like T.S. Eliot—a poet steeped in European history and culture.
Frazer begins his anthropological study looking at a single work of art. "Who does not know Turner's picture of the Golden Bough?" he asks in the first chapter. "The scene, suffused with the golden glow of imagination in which the divine mind of Turner steeped and transfigured even the fairest natural landscape, is a dream-like vision of the little woodland grove of Nemi - 'Diana's Mirror', as it was called by the ancients ... "
Her memoir of that experience,“Mockingbird Years: A Life In and Out of Therapy,” published in 2000, was praised by critics and won her fans for its unflinching honesty and aseptic prose, free from the maudlin melodrama that has suffused so many recent memoirs.
At its best, Hale’s biography captures the energy and colors of everyday Venetian life as brilliantly as a Canaletto painting. The author of a well-received guidebook to Venice, she locates La Serenissima at the center of a global network whose spirit suffused Titian’s palette.
SUE LAWLEY: Hello and welcome to the British Library in London . Sometimes called the "nation's memory", it houses millions of valuable items, including Magna Carta, Leonardo da Vinci's Notebook, and the National Sound Archive. It also houses the oldest book in the world, which was printed in 868 AD in China . This Chinese connection makes it an appropriate place in which to start this year's Reith Lectures. Our subject on this, their 60th anniversary, is China ; and our lecturer, a man steeped in knowledge of this vast country, which of course in two months time plays host to the Olympic Games and is currently struggling to overcome the aftermath of a terrifying earthquake.
Sue Lawley :您好,歡迎到倫敦的大英圖書館。這家有時被稱為“民族的記憶” ,它收藏數百萬件的貴重物品,包括大憲章,達文奇的筆記本,以及英國國家聲音存檔。它還館藏世界上最古老的書,它印於中國、西元868年。這兒與中國關係這樣悠久,所以在這兒開始今年的Reith講座相當合適。我們此次60週年紀念演講的主題是中國,這個幅員遼闊的國家再二個月要主辦奧運會,目前正在努力克服可怕的地震的後遺症,而我們的講師他在中國的知識相當淵博無比。
If something or someone is steeped in something, they are completely surrounded by or involved in it, or they know a lot about it:
The college is steeped in history/tradition.
These ancient scholars were steeped in poetry and painting, as well as maths and astronomy.
Definition of steep
[with object]suffuse
音節suf・fuse 発音記号/səfjúːz/
【動詞】 【他動詞】
用例 | ![]() |
grew maudlin
feeling sad and having a lot of pity for yourself, especially after you have drunk a lot of alcohol
feeling sad and having a lot of pity for yourself, especially after you have drunk a lot of alcohol
[形]涙もろい, 感傷的な;お涙ちょうだい的な;泣き上戸の.
[中英語maudelen←教会ラテン語Magdalena(MARY MAGDALENE). 絵に描かれたマリヤが泣いていることから. いまのつづりは発音にならったもの]
asepticism a·sep'ti·cism n.
- Free of pathogenic microorganisms: aseptic surgical instruments.
- Using methods to protect against infection by pathogenic microorganisms: aseptic surgical techniques.
- Lacking animation or emotion: an aseptic smile.
asepticism a·sep'ti·cism n.
1 無菌の;免毒性の, 防腐性の.
2 活気のない, 情緒のない.
━━[名] 殺菌処理パック入り牛乳.
transfiguration of Christ :耶穌顯容;耶穌變聖容:耶穌在世時曾在三位元宗徒面前,顯示祂天主性的榮耀,藉以彰顯其默西亞的使命(參閱瑪十七)。
transfigure | (verb) Change completely the nature or appearance of. |
Synonyms: | metamorphose, transmogrify |
Usage: | To you, my friend, she would have appeared a hideous and ugly creature, but to me she was beautiful—so gloriously does love transfigure its object. |