After Period of Chastity, Hollywood Movies Embrace Sex Again
Studios obsessively focused on PG-13 franchises and animation in recent years, but movies like “Challengers” and “Saltburn” show eroticism has returned.
President Joe Biden is proposing an ambitious reweaving of the American safety-net, which the White House says will cost $1.8trn
Parents strongly cautioned
拉丁文的「文本」原義是「編織」。相冊是人生的文本,這一張張終會消失的薄紙交織出我的生活,有無可挽回的錯誤,也有流失的美好時光。昨日不可留,相片是指涉、是顯影劑的化學作用,如何能形容酸甜過往? 昨日不可留
David Walter Banks for The New York Times
Obama Talk Fuels Easter Sermons
Inspired by Senator Barack Obama’s speech, some religious leaders, like the Rev. Kenneth L. Samuel, above, plan to interweave talk of race and resurrection.
interweave verb [T] interwove, interwoven 交織 to weave together or combine two or more things so that they cannot be separated easily: She has created an intriguing story by skillfully interweaving fictional and historical events.the Resurrection (神子 耶穌) 復活 In the Christian religion, the Resurrection is Jesus Christ's return to life on the third day after his death, or the return of all people to life at the end of the world.
resurrect verb [T] 1 to bring someone back to life: Almost all Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead. 2 to bring back something into use or existence that had disappeared or ended: Several members of the party have resurrected the idea of constitutional change. She has been busily trying to resurrect her Hollywood career.
resurrection noun [U] when something that had disappeared or ended is brought back into use or existence
日台交流の日本側窓口団体である交流協会の台北事務所 は5日、台湾側窓口である亜東関係協会との間で、 航空安全に関する取り決めに署名した。航空機事故の調 査や、航空安全に関する研修などの分野で協力する。日 本はフランス、オーストラリア、中国、韓国と同様の取 り決め .
- A means of access or observation: St. Petersburg was Peter the Great's window onto the Baltic.
related to sexual desire and pleasure:
an erotic film
erotic dreams/feelings
noun [U]
books, pictures, etc. which produce sexual desire and pleasure
noun [U]
the quality of a picture, book, film, etc. being erotic:
The play's eroticism shocked audiences when it was first performed.

━━ a. 性愛の, 愛欲の.

━━ n. ((単複両扱い)) 好色文学(書); 春画.
e・rot・i・cal・ly ━━ ad. 扇情的に.
e・rot・i・cism ━━ n. 色情的傾向, 好色; (異常な)性的興奮.
related to sexual desire and pleasure:
an erotic film
erotic dreams/feelings
noun [U]
books, pictures, etc. which produce sexual desire and pleasure
noun [U]
the quality of a picture, book, film, etc. being erotic:
The play's eroticism shocked audiences when it was first performed.
色情 v 情色

- The original words of something written or printed, as opposed to a paraphrase, translation, revision, or condensation.
- The words of a speech appearing in print.
- Words, as of a libretto, that are set to music in a composition.
- Words treated as data by a computer.
- The body of a printed work as distinct from headings and illustrative matter on a page or from front and back matter in a book.
- One of the editions or forms of a written work: After examining all three manuscripts, he published a new text of the poem.
- Something, such as a literary work or other cultural product, regarded as an object of critical analysis.
- A passage from the Scriptures or another authoritative source chosen for the subject of a discourse or cited for support in argument.
- A passage from a written work used as the starting point of a discussion.
- A subject; a topic.
- A textbook.
- To send a text message to: She texted me when she arrived.
- To communicate by text message: He texted that he would be late.
[Middle English texte, from Old French, from Late Latin textus, written account, from Latin, structure, context, body of a passage, from past participle of texere, to weave, fabricate.]
━━ n. 本文, 原文; テキスト; 教科書; (本の)…版; 聖句 ((特に説教の題目に引用する)); 題目; 【コンピュータ】テキスト, 文書, 文字列.

text-editing a.

verb [I or T] wove or US ALSO weaved, woven or US ALSO weaved
to make cloth by repeatedly crossing a single thread through two sets of long threads on a loom (= special frame):
This type of wool is woven into fabric which will make jackets.
noun [C usually singular]
the way in which cloth has been woven, for example with the threads pulled firmly together, or the pattern produced by this process:
a tight weave
a striped/traditional weave
noun [C]
Textile weavers receive low wages in the rural areas.
noun [U]
There has been increasing automation of spinning and weaving.
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