The Harvard Crimson
Five members of the Class of 2018 declared the College’s newest concentration, Theater, Dance, and Media, as their primary academic focus by Thursday night’s deadline to submit plans of study, according to Deborah D. Foster, the program’s Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Five Sophomores Declare Theater, Dance, and Media | News | The Harvard...
As the department’s inaugural class, the five sophomores will have the…
A Chinese Virtue Is Now the Law
By EDWARD WONG 4:19 PM ETThat the government enacted a law aimed at compelling adult children to visit their parents is another sign of the monumental changes sweeping through Chinese society.
Google Apps deal disallowed by Swedish data regulator
The Swedish Data Inspection Board has for a second time disallowed an agreement that a local municipality wants to sign with Google regarding the use of its hosted Apps package. The agreement does not comply with the rules in Sweden's Personal Data ...
- 1.a brief and usually light fall of rain, hail, sleet, or snow."a day of sunny spells and scattered showers"
- 2.a cubicle or bath in which a person stands under a spray of water to wash."all rooms have private shower and WC"
- 1.(of a mass of small things) fall or be thrown in a shower."bits of broken glass showered over me"
- 2.wash oneself in a shower."she showered and went down to breakfast"
Definition of virtue
Definition of offside
adjective &adverb
Pronunciation: /ɒfˈsʌɪd/
- (of a player in some sports) occupying a position on the field where playing the ball or puck is not allowed, especially (in soccer) in the attacking half ahead of the ball and having fewer than two defenders nearer the goal line at the moment the ball is played: [as adverb]:the attacker looked offside by several yards figurativehis radicalism caught him offside with the law
- 2 (usually the off side) British the side of a vehicle furthest from the kerb (in Britain, the right): [as modifier]:the rear offside wheelCompare with nearside.See also off side at off (sense 1 of the noun).
Middle English (originally in the senses 'commend, sanction' and 'assign as a right'): from Old French alouer, from Latin allaudare 'to praise', reinforced by medieval Latin allocare 'to place' (see allocate).
- [他動詞]
- 1
- (1)〈行為などを〉許す;〈人に〉(…することを)許す,(…する)許可を与える((to do));〈人に〉…を許可する
- allow a
- 生徒に欠席を許す
- allowed.
- 遊泳禁止
- Allow .
- ((話)) 私にさせてください(◆ドアを開けたりする際の表現)
- Allow Mr. .
- (失礼ですが)友人のワトソン氏をご紹介させていただきます
- I allowed a .
- 私はしばらく黙考することにした
- allow .
- 罪に身を任せることなかれ.
- (2)((場所・方向の副詞(句)を伴って)) 〈人に〉(…に)いる[入る,出る]ことを許す(◆to come,to go などの不定詞の省略から)
- allowed .
- ここに犬を連れ込むことは許されない
- allowed .
- 日曜日には外出を許可されなかった.
- 2 〈人に〉…を与える,支給する
- allow a 0 expenses
- 費用として100ドル支給する
- allows sweets.
- 彼女は甘いものを断っている.
- 3 〈人・物などを〉(うっかりして)…するままにしておく,(構わずに)…させる,…するに任せる((to do))
- allow a
- うっかり戸をあけたままにしておく
- I allow a .
- 彼女がそんなばかなことをするのをほっとくわけにはいかない.
- 4 〈要求・陳述・証拠などを〉認める,容認する;〈…だと〉認める((that 節))
- allow a
- 要求を認めてやる
- I allow .
- 彼が有能だとは認められない
- allowed .
- 彼の優秀さは万人の認めるところだった.
- 5 (…のために)(増減を見越して)〈時間・経費などを〉加減する,余分に取っておく;(…を見越して)〈金額などを〉割引[割り増し]する((for ...))
- allow changing trains
- 乗り換えに1時間のゆとりをみておく
- allow a
- 漏れ損も考えて1ガロン余裕をみておく
- allow 5% .
- 現金なら5分引きします.
- 6 ((米方言)) …と言う,述べる;…と思う,主張する((that 節));…するつもりである((todo))
- I allow .
- あなたは正しいと思います
- I allow .
- 明日スキーに行こうと思う.
- 7 ((古))
- (1)認可する.
- (2)賞賛する(praise).
- ━━ [自動詞]
- 1 〈物・事が〉(…を)許す,認める,(…の)余地がある((of ...))
- a allows
- 必然的に結論は一つしかない前提
- allow
- 一刻の猶予もできない.
- 2 ((方言)) 思う(think).
- allow for ...
- (1)〈事情などを〉斟酌しんしゃくする,考慮する,余裕をみておく
- allow
- 損傷を見込む
- Allowing , a .
- 経験不足にしては彼女の演技は素晴らしいものだった.
- (2)…の準備をする
- allow guests.
- 30人分のお客の用意をしなければならないだろう.
- allowing that
- …であるとしても.
Pronunciation: /dɪsəˈlaʊ/
Definition of disallow
late Middle English (in the sense 'disown, refuse to accept'): from Old French desalouer
- To disallow the action or arguments of, especially by virtue of higher authority: The defense attorney's objection was overruled by the judge.
HOWARD CHANG·2016年4月20日
哈利波特第一章裡一段電視新聞主播與氣象主播間的對話,其中 "allowed himself a grin" 的allow 用法頗為特別,為中文所無:大陸的翻譯是「新聞播音員說到這裡,咧嘴一笑。」把allow省略了。
"And finally, bird-watchers everywhere have reported that the nation's owls have been behaving very unusually today. Although owls normally hunt at night and are hardly ever seen in daylight, there have been hundreds of sightings of these birds flying in every direction since sunrise. Experts are unable to explain why the owls have suddenly changed their sleeping pattern." The newscaster allowed himself a grin. "Most mysterious. And now, over to Jim McGuffin with the weather. Going to be any more showers of owls tonight, Jim?"
"Well, Ted," said the weatherman, "I don't know about that, but it's not only the owls that have been acting oddly today. Viewers as far apart as Kent, Yorkshire, and Dundee have been phoning in to tell me that instead of the rain I promised yesterday, they've had a downpour of shooting stars! Perhaps people have been celebrating Bonfire Night early -- it's not until next week, folks! But I can promise a wet night tonight."
The newscaster allowed himself a grin.
這"ALLOW", 在Concise Oxford Dictionary 有解釋:做些自己喜歡的事、indulge 等等。