Rummel angled the crate into the trunk of his 1962 Chevy Impala and, a few days later, lugged it into his half of a two-story home in Medford, Mass. He pried it open with a hammer to discover that he was now in possession of a Picasso.
Facebook video pries open rift within Syria's ruling family
In Japan, where young people are few and lives are long, demographers expect there to be 48 people over the age of 65 for every 100 people of working age in 2020
In theory, every rich country can prise open the demographic trap
From the archive
In theory, every rich country can prise open the demographic trap
From the archive
Artists may not have invented hiking but during the Romantic Era, nature played a large role in their art. A show at Berlin's Old National Gallery looks at how wanderlust inspired artists like Caspar David Friedrich.
Trying to break your company's dependence on Excel spreadsheets? Prepare for a fight.
By limiting the number to two, the Chinese government has failed to remove a persistent cause of public discontent: nosy officialdom prying into the family-planning decisions of couples
China allows all couples to have two children
China has abandoned its more than 35-year-old “one-child policy”. Now couples can have two
The Guts of Spring by Christopher Benfey
The ritual sacrifice of animals, except under carefully regulated conditions (sport-hunting, the slaughter of livestock, the euthanizing of pets) is strictly prohibited. And yet...
「如果不會太八卦,我能問一下你結過幾次婚嗎?」的英文是「If it's not prying, can I ask how many times you've been married?」,希望妙如下次可以教我們除了「It's none of your business」之外還可以怎麼回答
前美林員工Pat Cuartero辭掉了高薪工作,一心撲在他熱衷的極限悠悠球(Yo-Yo,也稱作溜溜球)運動上。他成為了一個玩悠悠球的高手,並創辦了“全民悠悠”組織(Yo-Yo Nation)《華爾街日報》Mary Pilon報道。
Yo-yo | |
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Availability | 500 BC–present |
Car Makers Hoard Cash as Markets Yo-Yo
Hack-Proof Phones? New Devices Try to Keep Prying Eyes Out20
As more personal data pours onto mobile networks, American and British eavesdroppers are prying into so-called leaky apps to extract geographical data, address books and other information, secret documents show:
The internet's standard e-mail protocols were developed decades ago, with little thought for security. Keeping messages safe from prying eyes remains jury-rigged today. How does "secured" e-mail work?
The wanderers
Aug 10th 2011, 15:10 by The Economist online
The passports that allow their holders to go almost anywhere
AFGHANS hoping to embark on a grand tour of Europe, or any other continent in fact, are likely to find their wanderlust curtailed by immigration officials. According to an index compiled annually by Henley & Partners, a law firm, natives of Kabul, Baghdad and Mogadishu are required to fill in visa applications for more countries than anyone else. Scandinavians and Finns, by contrast, can travel to 173 countries or territories (out of a possible 223) without the need to fill in forms with curious questions dreamt up by bureaucrats.

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Curious George | |
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"Curious people are interesting people. I wonder why that is." — Bill Maher

A very strong or irresistible impulse to travel.
[German : wandern, to wander (from Middle High German) + Lust, desire (from Middle High German , from Old High German).]
- Eager to learn more: curious investigators; a trapdoor that made me curious.
- Unduly inquisitive; prying.
- Arousing interest because of novelty or strangeness: a curious fact.
- Archaic.
- Accomplished with skill or ingenuity.
- Extremely careful; scrupulous.
[Middle English, from Old French curios, from Latin cūriōsus, careful, inquisitive, from cūra, care. See cure.]
curiously cu'ri·ous·ly adv.
curiousness cu'ri·ous·ness n.
SYNONYMS curious, inquisitive, snoopy, nosy. These adjectives apply to persons who show a marked desire for information or knowledge. Curious most often implies an avid desire to know or learn, though it can suggest prying: A curious child is a teacher's delight. A curious neighbor can be a nuisance. Inquisitive frequently suggests excessive curiosity and the asking of many questions: “Remember, no revolvers. The police are, I believe, proverbially inquisitive” (Lord Dunsany). Snoopy suggests underhanded prying: The snoopy hotel detective spied on guests in the lobby. Nosy implies impertinent curiosity likened to that of an animal using its nose to examine or probe: My nosy colleague went through my mail. See also synonyms at strange.
pry (OPEN)
verb [T] MAINLY US
to move or lift something by pressing a tool against a fixed point:
[+ adjective] The car trunk had been pried open and all her equipment was gone.
verb [T] MAINLY US
to move or lift something by pressing a tool against a fixed point:
[+ adjective] The car trunk had been pried open and all her equipment was gone.
Syllabification: pry
Pronunciation: /prī/
verb (pries, prying, pried)
Middle English (in the sense 'peer inquisitively'): of unknown origin.prying
Pronunciation: /ˈprʌɪɪŋ/
Translate prying | into Italian
late 18th century: jury perhaps based on Old French ajurie 'aid'VERB
- 1with object and adverbial of direction Use force in order to move, move apart, or open (something)‘I tried to prise Joe's fingers away from the stick’‘using a screwdriver, he prised open the window’1.1prise something out of/fromObtain something from (someone) with effort or difficulty.
- ‘I got the loan, though I had to prise it out of him’
Late 16th century: from dialect prise ‘lever’, from Old French prise ‘grasp, taking hold’. Compare with pry.
Pronunciation: /ˈyō ˌyō/
(plural yo-yos)
verb (yo-yoes, yo-yoing, yo-yoed)
1Move up and down; fluctuate: popularity polls yo-yo up and down with the flow of events
early 20th century: of unknown origin.
Pronunciation: /həˈrʌspɛks/