We also dwell in Eden, and every morning the world is trying to renew itself again. Why should we not glory in it, too?
More than 20 percent of people with chronic constipation have a dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles — called pelvic floor dyssynergia — that causes them to contract in ways that block the expulsion of stool.
超過 20% 的慢性便秘患者存在骨盆底肌肉功能障礙(稱為盆底協同失調),這會導致它們以阻止糞便排出的方式收縮。
China announced that it will revoke the media credentials of all American journalists at three major U.S. news organizations, in effect expelling them from the country, in response to new U.S. restrictions on Chinese state-controlled media. https://to.pbs.org/38UWNtb
China ruling party expels former railways minister
Fox News
BEIJING – China's ruling Communist Party expelled an allegedly corrupt former railways minister on Monday, more than a year after his dismissal. The lengthy process underscores the party's challenges as it grapples with how to handle the tricky case of ...
Garden of Eden (GAHR-dn of EED-n)
noun: A place of unspoilt happiness and beauty.
From Hebrew eden (delight, pleasure). The Garden of Eden refers to the Biblical place where Adam and Eve lived before being expelled.
"Long before the Spaniards arrived in Palos Verdes, a nation of people lived in a veritable Garden of Eden. Lush and teeming with wild game and fish, life on the Peninsula for its native people, the Tongva, was rich and abundant." — Mary Scott; Paradise Lost -- And Found?; Peninsula News (California); Mar 25, 2010.
Amazon Cites Terms of Use in Expulsion of WikiLeaks
canceled its relationship with WikiLeaks not because of "a government
inquiry," but because of a violation of the terms of service.
China Party Endorses Expulsion in ScandalNew York Times
By IAN JOHNSON. Published: November 4, 2012. BEIJING — Several hundred of the Chinese Communist Party's top leaders decided Sunday on a raft of measures that pave the way for a once-in-a-decade leadership transition scheduled to start this week.
Collins was born in London, the daughter of Elsa (née Bessant), a dance teacher and nightclub hostess, and Joseph William Collins, an agent whose clients included Shirley Bassey, The Beatles and Tom Jones.[1][2]Collins's South Africa-born father was Jewish and her British mother was Anglican.[3][4][5] She has one sister, the actress Joan Collins (b.1933), and a brother, Bill Collins (b. 1946).
She attended secondary school at the Francis Holland School in central London. However, after what seemed to be a sunny childhood in England, Collins was expelled from high school for poor attendance in 1952.
Her parents swiftly sent her to live with her sister, Joan Collins, who at the time was starting what would be a roller-coaster career in Los Angeles. As she later said her parents were fed up with her and no longer felt they could handle her, so they gave her an ultimatum: reform school or Hollywood. "So I went, 'I think I'm gonna go with Hollywood'".
A 2021 clinical trial also found that eating two kiwis per day was as powerful as prunes at increasing stool frequency and reducing straining — and had the added benefit of helping with bloating.
The sugar, fiber and other nutrients in kiwis can produce a laxative effect by increasing the water content and volume of your stool, Dr. Camilleri said. “That makes the consistency of the bowel movements softer, and makes it easier to expel.”
verb [T] -ll-
to force to leave; to remove:
The new government has expelled all foreign diplomats.
My brother was expelled from school for bad behaviour.
When you breathe out, you expel air from your lungs.
See also expulsion.
verb [I or T]
to make an improvement, especially by changing a person's behaviour or the structure of something:
Who will reform Britain's unfair electoral system?
For years I was an alcoholic, but I reformed when the doctors gave me six months to live.
noun [C or U]
an improvement, especially in a person's behaviour or in the structure of something:
Some reforms of/to the system will be necessary.
The education system in Britain was crying out for reform.
noun [C or U]
He's undergone something of a reformation - he's a changed man.
adjective [before noun]
(especially of a person) changed and improved because no longer doing something harmful:
a reformed alcoholic/criminal
noun [C]
someone who tries to improve a system or law by changing it:
a social reformer
a reformist, rather than a revolutionary approach to progress
WordNet: reform school
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: correctional institution for the detention and discipline and training of young or first offenders
Synonyms: reformatory, training school

The act of expelling or the state of being expelled.
[Middle English expulsioun, from Old French expulsion, from Latin expulsiō, expulsiōn-, from expulsus, past participle of expellere, to expel. See expel.]
Kang Lin
I live in Taxifornia, my pockets have been picked clean by the confiscators.
Taxifornia - A state where taxes, fees and levies (not the kind that hold back water) rule. Also, a state of being AND a state of mind.
Kang Lin
I live in Taxifornia, my pockets have been picked clean by the confiscators.
Taxifornia - A state where taxes, fees and levies (not the kind that hold back water) rule. Also, a state of being AND a state of mind.
- 発音記号[ikspʌ'lʃən]
2 除名, 除籍, 追放;追放の身
[形]排除する;駆逐力のある.The New York Times in an article Thursday detailed how Chinese hackers had infiltrated its systems over the past four months and gained access to passwords belonging to reporters and other employees. The paper said it believed it had expelled the hackers from its system.
- 発音記号[ikspél][動](〜led, 〜・ling)(他)[expel A (from B)]
1 〈A(人)を(B(組織・地位)から)〉(…したかどで)除名[放逐]する, 免職にする((for doing))
2 〈A(物・人)を(B(場所)から)〉追い出す, 追い払う(⇒EXILE[類語]);〈A(空気・水・ガスなど)を(B(容器・体など)から)〉吐き出す, 放出する
3 〈A(弾丸など)を(B(銃など)から)〉発射する.
[ラテン語expellere(ex-外に+pellere追う). △COMPEL, IMPEL, REPEL, PROPEL]