After a Year of Suffering, Ukrainians Still See Hope
- The war has done untold damage, but Ukraine has largely stopped Russia’s offensives.
- President Volodymyr Zelensky celebrated that resolve to fight back: “Millions of us made a choice.”

Philip Roth Calls Trump an Ignorant Con Man With ‘Vocabulary of 77 Words’
Novelist Philip Roth has lashed out at President Trump as an ignorant “con man” who could do untold damage to the country.
Since 1970, when the EPA and NHTSA were created, you have fought tooth-and-nail every advancement and improvement in your industry.
In doing so, you've wasted untold billions of dollars and the efforts of thousands of your smartest and highest-paid employees.
too much or too many to be counted or measured.
"thieves caused untold damage"
(of a story or event) not narrated or recounted.
- 1.too much or too many to be counted or measured."thieves caused untold damage"
"no event, however boring, is left untold"
fight tooth and nail
to try very hard to get something you want:
We fought tooth and nail to get the route of the new road changed.