Chinese Spy Balloon’s Journey in U.S. Sky Ends With Missile Over Atlantic
The device was first spotted earlier this week, setting off a diplomatic crisis. It was downed Saturday off the coast of South Carolina.
China declared its “strong discontent and protest” about the downing.
stage fright
Anthony Powell disliked speaking in public, as did Vladimir Nabokov, Philip Larkin and Max Beerbohm. Elizabeth Bishop is said to have been hopeless at the podium. Wittgenstein, on a dais, would begin to stammer. According to Helen Vendler, the poet A.R. Ammons’s stage fright was so severe that he wouldn’t pick up prizes.
Migrant workers, the Achilles’ heel of China’s economic growth story, are being hit hard by coronavirus-related shutdowns that are coming on top of other challenges. The coronavirus has exacerbated the economic divide between middle-class urbanites and the country’s rural underclass
The Discontent of Migrants Looms Over China

漫畫來源: Ted Goff
Futures Traders Blast Regulators
There are growing signs of discontent about oversight of an industry rocked by two major scandals in the last year.
stage fright
Acute nervousness when performing or speaking before an audience, as in When John first had to present his findings to the board of directors, stage fright made him stutter. [Second half of 1800s]
Britain's Public Workers Stage Massive Strike Demonstration : the largest since the 1979 "Winter of Discontent."
the 2012 "Summer of Discontent"
'People Had to Rise to Their Times' The innocence and subsequent turbulence of the 1960s serve as the backdrop for "Stories Done: Writing on the 1960s and Its Discontents," the anthology by journalist Mikal Gilmore. Culled mostly from Gilmore's articles in Rolling Stone, it examines such seminal figures as Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey,... (The Washington Post)
stage fright 上台恐慌
rise to the occasion/challengeto show that you can deal with a difficult situation successfully: In the exam she rose to the occasion and wrote a brilliant essay.
stage fright 上台恐慌
- discontent
- [名]1 [U](…に対する)不満, 不平((at, about, over, with ...)) discontent among unemployed university graduat...
- discontented
- [形]不満な, あきたらない, (…に)不満を抱いている((with ...)).dis・con・tent・ed・ly[副]