Perhaps that’s the point. As the musical has matured, artists have naturally sought to write about people who are more complicated than randy teenagers and frivolous socialites. Yet by applying the powerful tools of the form to darker and more dangerous figures, those figures are literally given greater voice, forcing us to consider the ways in which they are humans even if they may also be monsters.
Boris Johnson says the advice to stop the spread of coronavirus is "absolutely crucial".
Urgent appeal: California Democrats to invoke new anti-Trump weapon
Dec 12, 2016 - The California Legislature's top Democrats, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De León, opened the ...China's Influence on Display at Car Show
The Shanghai auto show is demonstrating how the balance of importance in the global car industry is tipping decisively toward China.
U.S. Seizes Control of AIG With $85 Billion Emergency Loan
Invoking extraordinary powers granted after the 1929 stock market crash, the government seized control of the insurance giant American International Group to preserve a crucial bulwark of the global financial system.
(By David S. Hilzenrath and Glenn Kessler, The Washington Post)
Imam Mohammed moved decisively toward the religious mainstream. In 1992, he became the first Muslim to deliver the invocation for the United States Senate. He led prayers at both inaugurals of President Bill Clinton. He addressed a conference of Muslims and Reform Jews in 1995, and participated in several major interfaith dialogues with Roman Catholic cardinals. He met with the pope in 1996 and 1999.

The time was now the Naughty 'Nineties, and Wells's notorious randiness began to emerge. In 1891 he married his cousin Isabel Mary Wells, after protesting at plaintive length about her wish to marry before leaping into bed: "I didn't believe in marriage anyhow, I insisted. The great thing was not marriage but love. I invoked Godwin, Shelley, Socialism." (From Experiment in Autobiography, 1934.) Alas, even after marriage Isabel proved to be less than keen on sex, and Wells's first extramarital affair soon followed.
- a person who is well known in fashionable society and is fond of social activities and entertainment.
Meaning #1: feeling great sexual desire
Synonyms: aroused, horny, ruttish, turned on
n. (dē̍*ē"sĭs)[NL., fr. Gr. de`hsis supplication.]
(Rhet.) An invocation of, or address to, the Supreme Being.
An adjuration or calling to witness; or, the vehement expression of desire put in terms of "for someone's sake" or "for God's sake."
Examples | ||
"For God's sake hold your tongue and let me love..." —John Donne |
Wikipedia article "Deesis" 這說明並不完全
西方最著名的 (比利時) "根特祭壇畫乃是一例
- Having the power to decide; conclusive.
- Characterized by decision and firmness; resolute.
- Beyond doubt; unmistakable: a decisive defeat.
decisiveness de·ci'sive·ness n.
SYNONYMS decisive, conclusive, crucial, definitive, determinative. These adjectives mean determining or having the power to determine an outcome: the decisive vote; a conclusive reason; crucial experiments; a definitive verdict; the determinative battle.
ANTONYM indecisive
ANTONYM indecisive
verb [T] FORMAL
to use a law, rule, etc to support what you are saying or doing
The President may invoke federal law to stop the strike.invoke
verb [T] FORMAL
1 to request or use a power outside yourself, especially a law or a god, to help you when you want to improve a situation:
Police can invoke the law of trespass to regulate access to these places.
Their sacred dance is performed to invoke ancient gods.
2 to make someone have a particular feeling or remember something
noun [C or U] FORMAL

━━ vt. (救いを神に)祈る; (法律・原則に)訴える; 懇願する; (魔法で霊を)呼出す; (感情を)呼びさます; 【コンピュータ】呼び出す, 起動する.

━━ n. (救いを求める)祈り, 祈願 ((to)); 【コンピュータ】起動, 呼び出し.