A “comrade bar” is not a watering hole for Marxists
Burne-Jones caricatures himself, Morris, Luke ionides, and Webb in a Turkish bath.
Indeed, good women all over the world, and ever since it began, have loved to be bamboozled by these genial, roistering daredevils, who haven’t got a penny to bless themselves with (which is so touching), and are supposed to carry their lives in their hands, even in piping times of peace.
Watering hole may refer to:
- A geologic depression in which water collects and where animals come to drink.
- A bar, tavern, pub, or other local drinking establishment.
- Watering hole attack, a computer attack strategy that targets a website (the "watering hole") where intended victims congregate.
roistering とは【意味】浮かれ騒ぎ... 【例文】... 「roistering」の意味・例文・用例ならWeblio英和・和英辞書.
Roister | Definition of Roister by Merriam-Webster
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Roisterer vs Hooliganism. Verb. As British writer Hugo Williams asserted in The Times Literary Supplement (November 15, 1991), roistering tends to be "funnier, sillier and less harmful than standard hooliganism, being based on nonsense ...