Mercadet For my part I have an excuse, for I am bearing the burden of my partner's crime--of that fellow Godeau, who absconded, carrying with him the cash box of our house!--And besides that, what disgrace is it to be in debt? What man is there who does not owe his father his existence?梅卡德
負債累累? 那裡有誰不欠他父親的人
As for the problem of absconding workers, the department said it will continue to fine Vietnamese workers who run away from their jobs, step up inspections of manpower brokers, gradually reduce the fees that Vietnamese laborers have to pay to work in Taiwan, and better track the whereabouts of absconded workers.
15,000 Crocodiles Escape from South Africa Farm
Around 15,000 crocodiles have absconded from a farm in South Africa due to heavy rain and flooding.
《中英對照讀新聞》Cat with 26 toes to foot the bill for animal rescue center’s new home 26趾貓要為動物救援中心新家出錢
The ginger-and-white tabby cat Daniel has 26 toes – two extra toes on each foot.
A waiter claims he was fired after complaining on Twitter that actress Jane Adams failed to leave him a tip.
The actress’s agent arrived to pick up the tab the next day, but did not pay the 15-20 per cent service charge , prompting Ingels to Tweet: "Jane Adams, star of HBO series ’Hung’ skipped out on a $13.44 check. Her agent called and payed the following day. NO TIP!!!"
The WSJ notes shares for both companies are down more than 80 percent from last year. The NYT highlights that the Bush administration is considering whether the government should take over one or both companies, which would make their shares essentially worthless, and would mean taxpayers would have to foot the bill for any losses on mortgages they own or guarantee.
today's papers
All I Want For Christmas
By Daniel PolitiPosted Tuesday, Dec. 25, 2007, at 5:58 AM ET The New York Times leads with a look at how several states that began the year with big dreams to overhaul health care continue to face resistance from business groups, as well as increasing questions about who is going to foot the bill, particularly in a not-so-rosy economic climate.
foot (PAY)
to pay an amount of money:
His parents footed the bill for his course fees.
They refused to foot the cost of the wedding.
The company will foot her expenses.
tip4 (tĭp)

- A small sum of money given to someone for performing a service; a gratuity.
- A piece of confidential, advance, or inside information: got a tip on the next race.
- A helpful hint: a column of tips on gardening.
skip out
Leave hastily, abscond, as in They just skipped out of town. It is also put as skip out on, meaning "desert, abandon" as in He skipped out on his wife, leaving her with the four children. [Colloquial; second half of 1800s]
- 音節
- ab • scond
- 発音
- æbskɑ'nd | əbskɔ'nd
- abscondの変化形
- absconded (過去形) • absconded (過去分詞) • absconding (現在分詞) • absconds (三人称単数現在)
1 (特に刑罰や逮捕などをのがれるため)(…から)姿をくらます, ひそかに逃亡[逃走]する((from ...));高飛びする
2 (…を)持ち逃げする((with ...)).