McDonald's Corp dismissed Chief Executive Steve Easterbrook over a recent consensual relationship with an employee, which the board determined violated company policy, the fast-food giant said on Sunday.
Dissensus, the Spirit of Our Age
Her term in office saw thousands of ordinary voters gaining a stake
in society, buying their council houses and eagerly snapping up shares
in the newly privatised industries such as British Gas and BT.
But her rejection of consensus politics made her a divisive figure and opposition to her policies and her style of government led eventually to rebellion inside her party and unrest on the streets.
But her rejection of consensus politics made her a divisive figure and opposition to her policies and her style of government led eventually to rebellion inside her party and unrest on the streets.
Dinosaurs and Denial
Senator Marco Rubio created quite a stir with comments about the age of Earth, but his answer was in line with the consensus of the Republican Party.
The Case for Capital Controls: In a letter to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Ron Kirk, the U.S. trade representative, 257 economists from around the world, including Joseph Stiglitz and Ricardo Huasmann, argue against provisions in trade treaties that could limit the use of capital controls. "Given the severity of the global financial crisis and its aftermath, nations will need all the possible tools at their disposal to prevent and mitigate financial crises. While capital account regulations are no panacea, this new research points to an emerging consensus that capital management techniques should be included among the 'carefully designed macro-prudential measures' supported by G-20 leaders at the Seoul Summit."
There are suggestions that Dominique Strauss-Kahn's defense will argue that any sex with his accuser was consensual.
Normally the prize has been presented, even controversially, for accomplishment. This prize, to a 48-year-old freshman president, for “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,” seemed a kind of prayer and encouragement by the Nobel committee for future endeavor and more consensual American leadership.
By 16, Sontag is already a freshman at Berkeley, where for the first time she allows herself to act on her sexual attraction to women. To the end of her life, she never spoke publicly about her lesbianism. But much of this book, which was edited by her son, the writer and policy analyst David Rieff, is consumed by Sontag's accounts of her mostly anguished affairs with other women, particularly the mercurial beauty identified in the journals as "H."
Wikipedia article "Lesbianism in erotica".
- A student in the first-year class of a high school, college, or university.
- A beginner; a novice. See Usage Note at man.
- 音節
- con • sen • sus
- 発音
- kənsénsəs
- レベル
- 大学入試程度
- consensusの変化形
- consensuses (複数形)
Consensus politics - The Free Dictionary - Cached
An opinion or position reached by a group as a whole: "Among political women . . . there is a clear consensus about the problems women candidates have ...
consensus ( L. ):同意;一致;共識。
By 16, Sontag is already a freshman at Berkeley, where for the first time she allows herself to act on her sexual attraction to women. To the end of her life, she never spoke publicly about her lesbianism. But much of this book, which was edited by her son, the writer and policy analyst David Rieff, is consumed by Sontag's accounts of her mostly anguished affairs with other women, particularly the mercurial beauty identified in the journals as "H."
Wikipedia article "Lesbianism in erotica".
consensualadj. (kən-sĕn'shū-əl)

- Of or expressing a consensus: a consensual decision.
- Law. Existing or entered into by mutual consent without formalization by document or ceremony: a consensual marriage; a consensual contract.
- Involving the willing participation of both or all parties, especially in an illegal transaction or practice: the consensual crimes of prostitution, drug abuse, and illegal gambling.
- Physiology.
- Of or relating to a reflexive response of one body structure following stimulation of another, such as the concurrent constriction of one pupil in response to light shined in the other.
- Of or relating to involuntary movement of a body part accompanying voluntary movement of another.
A council house, otherwise known as a local authority house, is a form of public or social housing. The term is used primarily in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Council houses were built and operated by local councils to supply uncrowded, well-built homes on secure tenancies at reasonable rents to primarily working-class people. Council house development began in the late 19th century and peaked in the mid-20th century, at which time council housing included many large suburban "council estates" and numerous urban developments featuring tower blocks. Many of these developments did not live up to the hopes of their supporters, and now suffer from urban blight.
Pronunciation: /dɪˈsɛnsəs/