In a study of mice, an MIT team found that two of the genes that control cells’ circadian rhythms also function as tumor suppressors.
In a study of mice, an MIT team found that two of the genes that control cells’ circadian rhythms also function as tumor suppressors.
circadian (or biological) clock
Why do some of us have a harder time adjusting to jet lag or daylight savings time than others? What about disruptions in sleep schedules? Our circadian (or biological) clock controls our bodies' sleep and wakefulness pattern, and that clock is regulated by DNA. On this date in 1994, an article was published in Science magazine announcing the discovery of a gene in mice which controls circadian rhythm — this is the first discovery of such a gene in mammals. Researchers hope this will help them find treatments for people who have trouble adjusting their biological clock.
━━ a. ほぼ24時間周期の.
