"One of the themes of Children is that we do not understand everything about our world. We also don’t understand each other very well. This is important to me as a writer. This is why politics and love are so fucked up. I have several scenes in this novel where a conversation takes place, as described by more than one of the people in the conversation. When I switch to another character’s point of view, the conversation isn’t the same. It bears a resemblance, but it’s not the same."
Robert Reich Last night after my book talk in Cambridge, I joined my uncle and cousin for dinner at the Charles Hotel just off Harvard Square, where it so happened that Goldman Sachs was courting Harvard students. It’s the time of year when Wall Street treks to Cambridge to lure bright young things with the promise of big bucks, cachet, and power. Unfortunately, many Harvard students (as well as other Ivy Leaguers) succumb – hoping to become part of the new American oligarchy.... This week's staff picks from “The Paris Review.”
Facebook, Still Dominant, Strives to Keep Cachet By JENNA WORTHAM, VINDU GOEL and NICOLE PERLROTH
The swift rise of upstarts like Snapchat suggests a changing reality
for how - and where - people like to spend their time.
To say the politician's speech was long-winded would be to utter an understatement as unequaled as his pontification was protracted. cardinal Adam Ferguson for The New York TimesAfghan Leader’s Hat Is Losing Its CachetBy ROD NORDLAND
Hamid Karzai’s karakul hat once represented Afghan unity and won admiration abroad; now its fortunes have fallen along with those of the president.
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Pope to apologise to Australian sexual abuse victims Pope Benedict XVI says he will use his visit to Australia to apologise for sexual abuse by priests and to examine how the Church can "prevent, heal and reconcile". He told reporters travelling with him on a plane to Sydney that the function of being a priest was incompatible with sexual abuse. The pontiff is set to attend the World Youth Day, a major Catholic festival in the city that is expected to draw more than 200,000 young people. However the 10-day visit comes amid growing calls by victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests and brothers for the Pope to apologise. Just a few days ago, a 25-year-old sexual abuse case involving a Sydney priest was reopened after Cardinal George Pell, the head of the Catholic church in Australia, denied he tried to cover up the abuse. |
PARIS, July 21 — France is the country that produced the Enlightenment, Descartes’s one-liner, “I think, therefore I am,” and the solemn pontifications of Jean-Paul Sartre and other celebrity philosophers.
But in the government of President Nicolas Sarkozy, thinking has lost its cachet.
Long neglected in favor of the sensory heavyweights of vision and hearing, the study of touch lately has been gaining new cachet among neuroscientists, who sometimes refer to it by the amiably jargony term of haptics, Greek for touch.
Still, Google’s founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, expressed a hope back in 2004 that “someday this institution may eclipse Google itself in terms of overall world impact.” What it lacks in size, though, Google.org may make up in cachet.
pontiff:(1)教宗;宗座。(2)主教;教長;大司祭。原文為拉丁文,直譯為造橋者,引伸為教宗及主教乃天主與世人間的橋樑。同 Pontifex。
pon·tif·i·cate (pŏn-tĭf'ĭ-kĭt, -kāt')

The office or term of office of a pontiff.
intr.v., -cat·ed, -cat·ing, -cates. (-kāt')
- To express opinions or judgments in a dogmatic way.
- To administer the office of a pontiff.
[Latin pontificātus, from pontifex, pontific-, pontifex. See pontifex. V., from Medieval Latin pontificāre, pontificāt-, to act as an ecclesiastic, from Latin pontifex.]
The noun pontificate has one meaning:
Meaning #1: the government of the Roman Catholic Church
Synonym: papacy
pontification | |||||
The act of speaking out for the purpose of hearing oneself speak.
Posturing...speaking to people that don't really care what you say one way or another since you're speaking solely to front yourself as "someone in charge". Speech or written communication that is generally pointless except to cast favorable light upon the speaker or author as if the message were a pronouncement from on high. Usually full of shit.
There goes that motherfucker with his pontification again.
Attaboy Message from a wannabe manager Attaboy Message from a wannabe supervisor Co-worker sucks up to teh boss by thanking everybody for their help when the boss should be saying the thank you. |
Meaning #1: administer a pontifical office
Meaning #2: talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner
NORTH AMERICANvulgar slang
- a despicable or very unpleasant person or thing
ca·chet (kă-shā')

- A mark or quality, as of distinction, individuality, or authenticity: “Federal courts have a certain cachet which state courts lack” (Christian Science Monitor).
IN BRIEF: n. - A seal on a letter; A warrant formerly issued by a French king who could warrant imprisonment or death in a signed letter under his seal; An indication of approved or superior status.
Tutor's tip: She took a huge amount of "cash" (money) from the "cache" (hiding place) and used it to convey a certain "cachet" (status or stature).
Pronunciation: /ˈkaʃeɪ/
Translate cachet | into Italian noun
early 17th century: from French, from cacher in the sense 'to press', based on Latin coactare 'constrain'noun [S or U] FORMAL
a quality which marks someone or something as special and worth respect and admiration:
This type of jacket used to have a certain cachet. [F.] n. (公文書などの)封印; 特徴; 高い地位; 【郵】消印に用いられた標語; 【医】カプセル (capsule).
cardinal :樞機;樞機主教;紅衣主教;教廷大臣:樞機本意為樞紐、關鍵、重要之意。樞機主教是教宗之 下,教會最高的聖職幕僚,俗稱教會親王。這些才德兼備的教會菁英,是由教宗親自甄選,協助教宗管理普世教會的事務。教宗出缺時,按法律只有他們才有權選舉 教宗。因戴紅帽、穿紅衣之故,又稱紅衣主教。共分三級:主教級、司鐸級、執事級(法典 349-350 )。古時曾有俗人擔任樞機者,後來 1917 年公佈的教會法典規定須是神父,實際上現在都由主教擔任。中國歷任的樞機依次為北平總教區田耕莘( 1945 )、南京總教區於斌( 1969 )、香港教區胡振中( 1988 )、上海教區龔品梅( 1991 )、高雄教區單國璽( 1998 )。
Pope calls for peace to make 'heaven' on earth
Pope Benedict made an appeal for peace on Sunday, saying nations
should halt bloody conflicts around the world to create a heaven
on earth. Addressing the faithful at his mountain retreat in the
Italian Dolomites, the Pope said his summer holiday made him
particularly sensitive to the suffering caused by war. The Pontiff
quoted Benedict XV, pope during World War I, who in 1917 called that
global conflict a "pointless carnage". The 80-year-old Pope is due
to return to the Vatican at the end of this month.
- 発音記号[-wíndid]
1 〈人が〉長々と話す[書く], くどい, 〈話・文章などが〉冗長な, 冗漫な.
2 息の長い;なかなか疲れない.