1. |
“Let’s say it clearly without any polemic, it’s not with religions that the Republic has difficulties today, but with one of them."
on Page 10: |
"began a torrent of polemical debate on such matters in 1697. Nor did it help that some of the worst offenders were themselves clergy of the established Church" | |
2. | on Page 21: |
"Bolingbroke's Craftsman, all products of a remarkable decade of polemical satire. Many of its elements were familiar ones: the retreat into classicism, the appeal to country ... " | |
3. | on Page 67: |
"polemical warfare which occurred in newspapers, prints, and pamphlets in the 175os and 176os would be adequate testimony to the vitality" |
Upscale papers, also known as "quality" newspapers, have done well with polemical columnists, who have avid fans, and the competition for topics covered by tabloids, namely sex and celebrity, is fierce online.
But Mallarmé thought poets could achieve something like music, and he did that by opening up language and emphasizing the overtones of words. He brought in a harmonic dimension, and the effect was that each word was like a star in a constellation. It related to the many words around it in a globular, rather than linear, way."
Spectrum | 26.08.2008 | 04:30
Prehistoric Finds in the Swiss Alps
verb [T]
1 to discover something secret or hidden or remove something covering something else:
The investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.
The biography is an attempt to uncover the inner man.
2 to find something buried under the ground by removing the earth on top of it:
Digging in her garden, she uncovered a hoard of gold dating back to the 9th century.

Prehistoric Finds in the Swiss Alps
Melting glaciers and ice fields in the Swiss Alps have uncovered spectacular archaeological finds that have been in the ice for thousands of years.
Besides the well-known and unique "Ötzi" in the Eastern Alps, comparable discoveries have recently been made also in Scandinavia and Alaska. What did prehistoric people do in the high mountains? Where did they come from? How did they use the resources and the environment? And what do these finds tell us regarding past, current and future climate change? A conference in Berne brought together climate specialists, glaciologists and archaeologists from all over Europe and Alaska, looking at what melting glaciers reveal about prehistoric life in the mountains. Imogen Foulkes reports from Berne.
verb [T]
1 to discover something secret or hidden or remove something covering something else:
The investigation uncovered evidence of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds.
The biography is an attempt to uncover the inner man.
2 to find something buried under the ground by removing the earth on top of it:
Digging in her garden, she uncovered a hoard of gold dating back to the 9th century.

━━ n. 考古学.
ar・chae・o・log・i・cal ━━ a.
ar・chae・ol・o・gist ━━ n. 考古学者.


━━ n. 氷河.
Glacier National Park グレーシャー国立公園 ((Montana州北西部の氷河や湖に富む地域)).


Mid 17th century: via medieval Latin from Greek polemikos, from polemos 'war'.
Mid 17th century: via medieval Latin from Greek polemikos, from polemos 'war'.
noun [C] FORMAL
a piece of writing or a speech in which a person strongly attacks or defends a particular opinion, person, idea or set of beliefs:
She has published a fierce anti-war polemic.
adjective FORMAL
a polemical essay
