BBC Radio 4
Personal diaries written during the industrial revolution reveal that there was a lot of rumpy pumpy going on.
Factories and fornication
Sexual freedom - the little-known consequence of the industrial revolution.
He left before the rumpus devolved into an all-out brawl and so avoided spending the night in jail with his buddies.
Donna Summer, 1948-2012
The disco queen, who scored hits with pulsing anthems like “Last Dance” and “Love to Love You Baby,” has died at 63.
A ‘Wild Rumpus’ With Maurice Sendak
Maurice Sendak, who died at the age of 83, was widely considered the most important children’s book artist of the 20th century.
In this comedy, a blocked writer decides he needs a little peace and quiet to spark his creativity so that he can write the final act of his play. Unfortunately, he no sooner settles down in his remote cabin when his first wife comes to call. She is followed by his second wife. A real ruckus ensues when his current girl friend also comes to see him. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie GuideSweden's Investor AB has been creating a ruckus akin to the wheeling and dealing usually associated with private-equity firms. Behind the change: Boerje Ekholm, who last year became the investment firm's new chief executive.
By contrast, Alice Aycock's project on the rooftop of the 107th Police Precinct (警察分局) is decent abstract art, but it's not successful public sculpture. It caused almost as much of a ruckus as Mr. Ahearn's project did when Ms. Aycock installed it in 1992.
Asashoryu's fans want him to be more than a spoiled brat who brags that sumo is all about winning. Sumo wrestlers are expected to train their mind, technique and body. Has the recent ruckus including a two-tournament ban helped him get his head straight? Many people are waiting to see.
--The Asahi Shimbun, Dec. 12(IHT/Asahi: December 14,2007)Second, the production came breathtakingly close to simulating a full professional production — on a church rec-room stage that measures about 30 feet across and 12 feet deep. We're talking tiny. "Les Minirables."
rumpus Show phonetics
a lot of noise, especially a loud and confused argument or complaint:
There was a real rumpus going on in the house next door last night.
rumpus Show phonetics
a lot of noise, especially a loud and confused argument or complaint:
There was a real rumpus going on in the house next door last night.
- 発音記号[rʌ'mpəs]
A recreation room (also known as a rec room or rumpus room) is a room used for a variety of purposes, such as parties, games and other everyday or casual use. The term is common in the United States, but it is not used in the United Kingdom. Often children or teenagers will entertain their friends in the rec room, which is often located in the basement, away from the main living areas of the house. Rec rooms are also sometimes places for homework and reading.
- rumpus room
- ((米))(家庭内の)娯楽室, 遊戯室:主に地下にありやや古い名称. ▼今日ではrec roomという.
noun [C usually singular] MAINLY US INFORMAL
a noisy situation or argument; a rumpus
They also had to nab him red-handed, or the Paris force, which detested the Sûrete for intruding into its terrain, would raise a ruckus.
nab Show phonetics
verb [T] -bb- INFORMAL
to take something suddenly, or to catch or arrest a criminal:
Undercover police officers nabbed (= caught) the men at the airport.
Someone nabbed my apple when I wasn't looking!
- 発音記号[pʌ'ls]
1 脈拍;(動脈・心臓の)一打ち
2 律動(音), 律動的な振動[波動].
3 一打ち, 一揺れ, 一うねり;(音楽や詩の)拍;アクセント.
4 《電気》パルス:電圧・電流などの瞬間的な変動.
6 意向, 気分, (世間一般の)傾向, 動向.
1 (…で)脈打つ((with ...));(…中を)鼓動する((through ...)).
2 脈動[振動, 波動]する;《電気》脈動する.
1 …を律動的に送る((out, in)).
2 〈エンジンなどを〉律動的に動かす.
3 《電子工学》…をパルスにする;《通信》〈電磁波を〉パルスで変更する.
[ラテン語pulsus (pellere追いたてる+-sus過去分詞語尾). △PROPEL, COMPEL]
pulse ・less
[形]脈拍のない, こと切れた;生気のない.
Ascertain the general mood or opinion of:the conference will be an opportunity to feel the pulse of those working in the field
rumpy pumpyLine breaks: rumpy pumpy
[ MASS NOUN] informal , humorous
feel (or take) the pulse of
- 2004/5/16語言學習:脈動、糾纏
《紐約時報雜誌》的語言觀察專欄,上周的主題為Pulse(By WILLIAM SAFIRE Published: May 9, 2004)。我曾請過瑞麟兄(rl)解釋一下該文關於「回扣」的說法。上周末,他惠賜「試論 takt time 的譯法」,無意間剛好觸及到美國政壇關於pulse的新興用法。 因為我回答takt time為「每一精實系統的『心跳』或脈動」)。
美國流行的"pulse"(及物動詞),它的同義語最佳字選為 "pester"( the best synonym for the transitive vogue verb pulse is ''pester.'') ,此即「糾纏」。----查教育部 國語辭典t;關於它的解釋有二。
解釋一: 互相纏繞。《文選˙賈誼˙鵩鳥賦》:「夫禍之與福兮,何異糾纏?
所以,老美用pulse,不只是「把脈」,還進一步讓受方「煩擾不休」(In this action-oriented usage, you don't just sit there pulsing, throbbing, intransitively staying alive; you pulse the system, regularly pushing, annoying, demanding.)
Thomas Carlyle, writing in 1865 about Frederick the Great, noted, ''Such charging and recharging, pulsing and repulsing, has there been.''
對於官場、學界甚或產業內的組織人(the Organization Person)而言,它的名詞用法,正如TASKING般(執行某專案的指派(the assignment to carry out a particular project)),「公認」(few will non-concur)會成為不可或缺的字眼。(After a review of this word history, few will non-concur that pulsing has now joined tasking (the assignment to carry out a particular project) as an indispensable verb in the language of the Organization Person. )
資料來源: 09ONLANGUAGE.html
Pronunciation: /rʌmpiˈpʌmpi/