One device in need of improvement is the implanted defibrillator, which is attached to a misfiring heart and uses readings from one or two electrodes to determine whether to restore a normal heartbeat by applying an electric shock.
Freedom Group Seeks to Pull I.P.O.: Freedom Group, the owner of of Remington Arms and Bushmaster Firearms, has asked the Securities and Exchange Commission to withdraw its filing for an initial public offering. Freedom is owned by the private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management, and the withdrawal of its offering is a rare misfire amid a number of successful private equity-backed public offerings.
Nokia CEO: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Nokia's fortunes are about to change, and that change will be expedited by carriers' need for a third smartphone ecosystem.
Bezos-Funded Spaceship Misfires
An unmanned spaceship funded by Internet billionaire Jeff Bezos suffered a major failure during a recent test flight, highlighting the dramatic risks of private space ventures.
Only two of his films, the well-regarded 1996 “Hamsun,” about the Norwegian novelist Knut Hamsun, and “Hurricane,” a misfire from his brief sojourn in Hollywood in the late 1970s, are available here on DVD. His masterpieces — “The Emigrants,” “The New Land,” “The Flight of the Eagle” — have not been in print since the days of the laser disc.
思考用"無謂" (沒有意義,沒有道理。史記˙卷六˙秦始皇本紀:「如此,則子議父,臣議君也,甚無謂,朕弗取焉。」老殘遊記˙第四回:「本想再為盤桓兩天,看這光景,恐無謂的糾纏,要越逼越緊了!」)翻譯"needlessly":
Opponents say the dam's construction has threatened endangered species, destroyed historical sites and needlessly forced the relocation of more than a million people to achieve what smaller dams could have done.
Shai Oster
Three Gorges Water Cleanup Makes No Gains 三峽水庫水質清理工作未見成效
Embedded With Bears
The new documentary "The Grizzly Man Diaries" details the life of a doomed grizzly enthusiast.
McCain Misfires at Grizzlies
A study of grizzly bears in Montana is hardly frivolous. It is a prerequisite for sensible administration of the Endangered Species Act.
The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: powerful brownish-yellow bear of the uplands of western North America
Synonyms: grizzly bear, silvertip, Ursus horribilis, Ursus arctos horribilis
On a drizzly Tuesday night in late January, 200 people came out to hear a psychiatrist talk rhapsodically about play — not just the intense, joyous play of children, but play for all people, at all ages, at all times. (All species too; the lecture featured touching photos of a polar bear and a husky engaging playfully at a snowy outpost in northern Canada.)
Poor Julia, the only one out of the nine not tolerably satisfied with their lot, was now in a state of complete penance, and as different from the Julia of the barouche-box as could well be imagined. The politeness which she had been brought up to practise as a duty made it impossible for her to escape; while the want of that higher species of self-command, that just consideration of others, that knowledge of her own heart, that principle of right, which had not formed any essential part of her education, made her miserable under it.
***The Project Gutenberg Etext of Mansfield Park, by Austen CHAPTER IX
species noun [C] plural species
a set of animals or plants in which the members have similar characteristics to each other and can breed with each other:
Mountain gorillas are an endangered species.
Over a hundred species of insect are found in this area.
FIGURATIVE HUMOROUS Women film directors in Hollywood are a rare species.
See also subspecies.
種或稱物種,是生物分類法中最後一級,位於屬之下。較為籠統的概念,是指一群或多或少與其它這樣的群體形態不同,並能夠交配繁殖的相關的生物群體。以演化生物學家恩斯特·麥爾(Ernst Mayr)的定義來說,物種是:「能夠(或可能)相互配育的自然種群的類群,這些類群與其它這樣的類群在生殖上相互隔離著。」昆蟲學家陳世驤(1978)對物種所下定義為:「物種是繁殖單元,由又連續又間斷的局群所組成;物種是進化單元,是生物系統線上的基本環節,是分類的基本單元。」。
在分類學中,一個物種被賦予一個拉丁化的雙名法名稱。該名稱使用斜體或是加上底線(現在較少見)印刷;屬名首字母大寫,屬名之後緊跟一個唯一的形容詞,這個詞稱為種小名或種加詞,其首字母不可大寫。只有完整的雙名制名稱才稱為「種名」,而非僅僅是雙名制名稱的第二個部分。例如人的種名叫Homo sapiens(有智慧的人),而不是sapiens。
Only two of his films, the well-regarded 1996 “Hamsun,” about the Norwegian novelist Knut Hamsun, and “Hurricane,” a misfire from his brief sojourn in Hollywood in the late 1970s, are available here on DVD. His masterpieces — “The Emigrants,” “The New Land,” “The Flight of the Eagle” — have not been in print since the days of the laser disc.
思考用"無謂" (沒有意義,沒有道理。史記˙卷六˙秦始皇本紀:「如此,則子議父,臣議君也,甚無謂,朕弗取焉。」老殘遊記˙第四回:「本想再為盤桓兩天,看這光景,恐無謂的糾纏,要越逼越緊了!」)翻譯"needlessly":
Opponents say the dam's construction has threatened endangered species, destroyed historical sites and needlessly forced the relocation of more than a million people to achieve what smaller dams could have done.
Shai Oster
Three Gorges Water Cleanup Makes No Gains 三峽水庫水質清理工作未見成效
Embedded With Bears
The new documentary "The Grizzly Man Diaries" details the life of a doomed grizzly enthusiast.
McCain Misfires at Grizzlies
A study of grizzly bears in Montana is hardly frivolous. It is a prerequisite for sensible administration of the Endangered Species Act.
WordNet: grizzly
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: powerful brownish-yellow bear of the uplands of western North America
Synonyms: grizzly bear, silvertip, Ursus horribilis, Ursus arctos horribilis
On a drizzly Tuesday night in late January, 200 people came out to hear a psychiatrist talk rhapsodically about play — not just the intense, joyous play of children, but play for all people, at all ages, at all times. (All species too; the lecture featured touching photos of a polar bear and a husky engaging playfully at a snowy outpost in northern Canada.)
- A kind, variety, or type: “No species of performing artist is as self-critical as a dancer” (Susan Sontag).
Poor Julia, the only one out of the nine not tolerably satisfied with their lot, was now in a state of complete penance, and as different from the Julia of the barouche-box as could well be imagined. The politeness which she had been brought up to practise as a duty made it impossible for her to escape; while the want of that higher species of self-command, that just consideration of others, that knowledge of her own heart, that principle of right, which had not formed any essential part of her education, made her miserable under it.
***The Project Gutenberg Etext of Mansfield Park, by Austen CHAPTER IX
species noun [C] plural species
a set of animals or plants in which the members have similar characteristics to each other and can breed with each other:
Mountain gorillas are an endangered species.
Over a hundred species of insect are found in this area.
FIGURATIVE HUMOROUS Women film directors in Hollywood are a rare species.
See also subspecies.
Amazing Rare Things:The Queen's Gallery at Buckingham Palace 2008
生物分類 |
科學分類法 |
階元分類 |
域 | 界 | 門 |
綱 | 目 | 科 |
屬 | 種 | 亞種 |
雙名法 |
非細胞生物 |
原核生物 |
真核生物 |
├ 動物 |
├ 真菌 |
├ 植物 |
└ 原生生物 |
五界法 |
原核生物界 |
原生生物界 |
真菌界 |
植物界 |
動物界 |
四界法 |
菌界 |
原生生物界 |
植物界 |
動物界 |
三域法 |
古細菌域 |
細菌域 |
真核生物域 |
在分類學中,一個物種被賦予一個拉丁化的雙名法名稱。該名稱使用斜體或是加上底線(現在較少見)印刷;屬名首字母大寫,屬名之後緊跟一個唯一的形容詞,這個詞稱為種小名或種加詞,其首字母不可大寫。只有完整的雙名制名稱才稱為「種名」,而非僅僅是雙名制名稱的第二個部分。例如人的種名叫Homo sapiens(有智慧的人),而不是sapiens。
1 〈銃が〉不発に終わる;〈内燃機関が〉点火しない.
2 〈計画・しゃれなどが〉功を奏さない, 失敗する.
━━[名] 〔
1 (銃の)不発;(内燃機関の)不点火.
2 (計画などの)失敗.(mĭs-fīr') misfire Show phonetics
verb [I]
1 If a gun misfires, the bullet fails to come out.
2 When an engine misfires, the fuel inside it starts to burn at the wrong moment:
There was a loud bang, like the sound of an engine misfiring.
3 If a plan misfires, it does not have the result that was intended:
The boy's death was the result of a practical joke that misfired.
漫畫來源: Ted Goff
In what must rank as one of the worst first dates in history, police say that a man first skipped out on the restaurant bill - and then stole his date’s car.
The woman told police that McCoy said he left his wallet in her car and asked for keys. He then sped away in the 2000 Chevrolet Impala.
v., skipped, skip·ping, skips. v.intr.
- To move by hopping on one foot and then the other.
- To leap lightly about.
- To bounce over or be deflected from a surface; skim or ricochet.
- To pass from point to point, omitting or disregarding what intervenes: skipped through the list hurriedly; skipping over the dull passages in the novel.
- To be promoted in school beyond the next regular class or grade.
- Informal. To leave hastily; abscond: skipped out of town.
- To misfire. Used of an engine.
- To leap or jump lightly over: skip rope.
- To pass over without mentioning; omit: skipped the minor details of the story.
- To miss or omit as one in a series: My heart skipped a beat.
- To cause to bounce lightly over a surface; skim.
- To be promoted beyond (the next grade or level).
- Informal. To leave hastily: The fugitive skipped town.
- Informal. To fail to attend: We skipped science class again.
- A leaping or jumping movement, especially a gait in which hops and steps alternate.
- An act of passing over something; an omission.
[Middle English skippen, perhaps of Scandinavian origin.]
skippable skip'pa·ble adj.
新聞辭典 (羅彥傑)
date:名詞,常指男女約會,亦可指涉約會對象。例句:What’s your perfect date?(你理想中的約會對象是什麼樣的人?)
skip out on:片語,(尤指不顧某人而)離開、溜走。例句:One day he just skipped out on his wife, leaving her with four kids to take care of.(某天他就撇下妻子出走,留下4個孩子給她照顧。)
Leave hastily, abscond, as in They just skipped out of town. It is also put as skip out on, meaning "desert, abandon" as in He skipped out on his wife, leaving her with the four children. [Colloquial; second half of 1800s]
- Time stated in terms of the day, month, and year.
- A statement of calendar time, as on a document.
- A specified day of a month.
- A particular point or period of time at which something happened or existed, or is expected to happen.
- dates The years of someone's birth and death: Beethoven's dates were 1770 to 1827.
- The time during which something lasts; duration.
- The time or historical period to which something belongs: artifacts of a later date.
- An appointment: a luncheon date with a client; a date with destiny. See synonyms at engagement.
- An engagement to go out socially with another person, often out of romantic interest.
- One's companion on such an outing.
- An engagement for a performance: has four singing dates this month.
v., dat·ed, dat·ing, dates.
- To mark or supply with a date: date a letter.
- To determine the date of: date a fossil.
- To betray the age of: Pictures of old cars date the book.
- To go on a date or dates with.
- To have origin in a particular time in the past: This statue dates from 500 B.C.
- To become old-fashioned.
- To go on dates.
out of date
- No longer in style; old-fashioned: clothes that went out of date last year.
- Until now: To date, only half of those invited have responded.
- In or into accordance with current information, styles, or technology: brought me up to date on the project's status.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Medieval Latin data, from Latin data (Romae), issued (at Rome) (on a certain day), feminine past participle of dare, to give.]
datable dat'a·ble or date'a·ble adj.
dater dat'er n.
speed away:片語,加速駛離。例句:The ambulance sped away in haste.(救護車急忙加速駛離。)v., sped (spĕd) or speed·ed, speed·ing, speeds.
- To cause to go, move, or proceed quickly; hasten.
- To increase the speed or rate of; accelerate: speed up a car; sped production.
- To wish Godspeed to.
- To further, promote, or expedite (a legal action, for example).
- Archaic. To help to succeed or prosper; aid.
- To go, move, or proceed quickly: sped to the rescue.
- To drive at a speed exceeding a legal limit: was speeding on the freeway.
- To pass quickly: The days sped by. The months have sped along.
- To move, work, or happen at a faster rate; accelerate: His pulse speeded up.
- Archaic.
- To prove successful; prosper.
- To get along in a specified manner; fare.
- 発音記号[ékspədàit]
2 〈仕事を〉早くかたづける, 迅速に処理する.
3 〈公文書・手紙を〉発送する.
[ラテン語ex-はずす+pedis足かせ. △PEDAL, IMPEDE]