There is a goat trying to find sustenance in some aged grass. The headmaster has embezzled the school funds and is suspended, arousing the question familiar to all of us but usually in more august contexts: How is it these people behave like this when they must know everyone is watching them?
Goldman Hedge Fund Had
Worst Month in August
Goldman Hedge Fund Has Cruel AugustGoldman's flagship Global Alpha hedge fund declined 22.7% last month, the worst month in the fund's 12-year history.
Professor Michael Baxandall: Influential art historian with a rigorously cerebral approach to the study of painting and sculpture
Michael Baxandall was one of the greatest and most influential art historians of the second half of the 20th century
The united front is a surprising turnabout. In recent months, Washington has stepped up criticism of Iraq's central government, accusing it of not enacting key laws fast enough and dragging its feet on reconciling the country's warring communities.
In August, Daiichi Shorin had seven copies of a best seller called "Hanten" 反轉(turnabout) on display. The book is the frank memoir of a former prosecutor who became a lawyer for yakuza and other dubious groups.
SRAM issues road brake recall
SRAM will conduct a voluntary recall of a limited number of SRAM Force front road brakes which may have faulty titanium mounting bolts. ...
May 9, 2006 -- 2:43 a.m. EDT
Airbus signed contracts valued at $1.4 billion to secure its supply of titanium through 2015, amid strong demand for the metal.
In a typically sprawling 1997 review of the newly opened, titanium-clad Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, designed by Mr. Gehry, Mr. Muschamp evoked the ghost of Marilyn Monroe to convey the headiness of the design.
Bilbao, 10 Years Later
A declining industrial city turned to Frank Gehry to deliver some titanium-clad salvation. It got what it wished for.
周四記事 2005/12/8 與某 bicycle 迷談「鈦frame 」。發現wikipwdia 資料很多。1970 年代初,科學雜誌多談其科技。
日本進口液化鈦 Titan 負離子手環 冬天買氣旺
在高級電腦市場已有買下IBM的ThinkPad產品線之大陸聯想電腦,將在下月推出具有鈦金屬外殼的Z系列「特別版」筆記本型電腦。At the high end of the computer market, Lenovo, the Chinese computer maker that bought I.B.M.'s ThinkPad line, is introducing a "special edition" laptop, the Z series, with a brushed titanium case.
- respected and impressive."she was in august company"
turnabout Show phonetics
noun [C]
a complete change from one situation or condition to its opposite:
What accounts for the dramatic turnabout in Britain's international trading performance?您聽丁丁道來:
每天出門,常碰上交通堵塞,只好繞路而行(by a roundabout route),又要與千軍萬馬,競逐那進不去又出不來的圓環
(sĕr'ə-brəl, sə-rē'-)adj.
- Of or relating to the brain or cerebrum.
- Appealing to or requiring the use of the intellect; intellectual rather than emotional: “His approach is cerebral, analytical, cautious” (Helen Dewar)
adjective crueller, cruellest or crueler, cruelest
1 extremely unkind and unpleasant and causing pain to people or animals intentionally:
Don't tease him about his weight - it's cruel.
Children can be very cruel to each other.
2 causing suffering:
His death was a cruel blow.