If these sorts of solutions to geological problems seem to come from left field, Dr. Petermann and Dr. Fastovsky both point out, that’s because they take a certain amount of lateral thinking to invent. Proxies using fossil pollens and the teeth of eel-like vertebrates called conodonts are the traditional methods of measuring deep burials, Dr. Petermann said, in part because of their changing colors under certain levels of heat and pressure. However, none of them are immediately intuitive.
In 2003, China saw foreign tourist numbers drop 60% as a result of SARS.
Given the choice, foreign tourists — and Chinese tourists, too — would prefer to go elsewhere.
Opinion | ‘Visit China’ Is Now a Harder Sell
By 2060, the EU’s population will be in absolute decline. There will be just two workers for every man or woman over 65, compared to four today. If Europeans want to continue to fund the generous health care and pensions they have awarded themselves, then in the absence of a hitherto concealed fondness for procreation they will have to attract more workers from abroad. The ambitious young men and women who leave their homelands for better lives in Europe might be a good fit for countries facing long-term labour shortages. But that is a hard sell when wages are stagnant and unemployment high. Moreover, countries would prefer to pick their migrants rather than the other way around http://econ.st/1c9bHOM
In 2003, China saw foreign tourist numbers drop 60% as a result of SARS.
Given the choice, foreign tourists — and Chinese tourists, too — would prefer to go elsewhere.

Opinion | ‘Visit China’ Is Now a Harder Sell
By 2060, the EU’s population will be in absolute decline. There will be just two workers for every man or woman over 65, compared to four today. If Europeans want to continue to fund the generous health care and pensions they have awarded themselves, then in the absence of a hitherto concealed fondness for procreation they will have to attract more workers from abroad. The ambitious young men and women who leave their homelands for better lives in Europe might be a good fit for countries facing long-term labour shortages. But that is a hard sell when wages are stagnant and unemployment high. Moreover, countries would prefer to pick their migrants rather than the other way around http://econ.st/1c9bHOM
Engineers Allege Hiring Collusion in Silicon Valley
A class-action suit by Silicon Valley engineers against companies
including Google, Apple and Intel has revealed details of an agreement
among them not to cold-call one another's employees.
Measuring the Efficacy of the World's Managers
Over the past seven years, Harvard Business School's Raffaella Sadun and a team of researchers have interviewed managers at some 10,000 organizations in 20 countries. The goal: to determine how and why management practices differ vastly in style and quality not only across nations, but also across various organizations and industries.
Working paper: Discretion Within the Constraints of Opportunity: Gender Homophily and Structure in a Formal Organization
Download the PDF. This study, written by Adam M. Kleinbaum, Toby E. Stuart, and Michael L. Tushman, offers evidence of how and by whom formal lateral structures serve to link together an otherwise siloed organization. Analyzing millions of e-mail interactions among tens of thousands of employees of a single large firm, the researchers find that it is women more than men who tend to bridge formal structural boundaries in organizations.
Mr Jobs caught the computing bug while growing up in Silicon Valley. As a teenager in the late 1960s he cold-called his idol, Bill Hewlett, and talked his way into a summer job at Hewlett-Packard.
Taking your genes in hand
Personal genetic testing is advancing rapidly. But beware of overselling.
verb [T] oversold, oversold MAINLY US
to sell more than is available:
The flight had been oversold.
oversell還有引伸義: ━━ vt. 売りすぎる; ほめちぎる, 過大評価する.
UK /ˌhɑːdˈwɜː.kɪŋ/ US /ˌhɑːrdˈwɝː.kɪŋ/
always doing a lot of work:
She was always very hard-working at school.
cold call
A telephone call or visit made to someone who is not known or not expecting contact, often in order to sell something.
(cold call) An unsolicited visit or telephone call made by someone trying to sell goods or services: the salesmen spend most of their time making cold calls on perfect strangers More example sentencescold-call or cold call (kōld'kôl') v.hard sell
Definition of hard sell in English:
(often the hard sell)In advertising, a hard sell is an advertisement or campaign that uses a more direct, forceful, and overt sales message. This approach works in opposition to a soft sell.
Theorists have examined the value of repetition for hard sell versus soft sell messages to determine their relative efficacy. Frank Kardes and others have concluded that a soft sell with an inferred conclusion rather than an overt hard sell can often be more persuasive.
定義由「Oxford Languages」提供瞭解詳情
lateral thinking
- the solving of problems by an indirect and creative approach, typically through viewing the problem in a new and unusual light.