Global warming cannot be limited to 1.5°C
The world is missing its lofty climate targets. Time for some realism
Global warming cannot be limited to 1.5°C
Jan. 6 Panel to Sum Up Its Case Against Trump: Dereliction of Duty
Back on prime time, the committee plans to show that former President Trump had the power to call off the mob but did nothing for more than three hours.
早在進入白宮西翼工作以前,麥克馬斯特就是陸軍之中最接近軍人學者的人物。他關於越南的著作《玩忽職守》(Dereliction of Duty),對美國大體上基於自欺欺人的蹩腳決策過程做出了毫不留情的陳述。
Report Faults V.A. Secretary Shulkin Over Travel to Europe
There were “serious derelictions” in a trip taken by David Shulkin, the secretary of veterans affairs, and his wife, an inspector general’s report said. Dr. Shulkin denied wrongdoing.
Wilson Follett called the Third a “fighting document” that was “out to destroy . . . every obstinate vestige of linguistic punctilio, every surviving influence that makes for the upholding of standards.” (The dereliction that most appalled Follett was the Third’s refusal to reject “that darling of the advanced libertarians,” the use of “like” as a conjunction.)
While some of LaVar Ball's claims have come true in the past, this one might be pretty lofty.
For G-20, Lofty Goals Have Fallen
to Earth
When the world's financial powers meet at the G-20 summit in London, the results are likely to be far less sweeping than Gordon Brown envisioned. 2008
The delegates who gathered in Philadelphia 239 years ago to declare America independent were, as we all know, agreed on many lofty principles, including the inalienable rights which their Creator God had bestowed on them. But there were many religious questions on which they differed. That is worth keeping in mind when considering this week's decision by the Supreme Court of Oklahoma
Shalt or shalt not
THE delegates who gathered in Philadelphia 239 years ago to declare America independent were, as we all know, agreed on many lofty principles,
mass noun- 1The state of having been abandoned and become dilapidated.‘a 15th-century farmhouse has been saved from dereliction’
- 2dereliction of duty‘the prosecution team were guilty of dereliction of duty for failing to disclose evidence’count noun ‘a gross dereliction of duty by the Secretary of State’
- The shameful failure to fulfil one's obligations.
Late 16th century: from Latin derelictio(n-), from the verb derelinquere (see derelict).
Witnesses with different points of view try to unravel an assassination attempt on the U.S. president. Special Agents Thomas Barnes (Dennis Quaid) and Kent Taylor (Matthew Fox) are assigned to protect President Ashton during a summit in Spain on the war on terror. Moments after the leader's arrival, shots ring out, and Ashton is down. In the resulting chaos, an American tourist (Forest Whitaker) comes forward with his camcorder, which he believes contains an image of the shooter.
Initial release: February 22, 2008 (USA)
The lofty price — $1.3 million a patent — reflects the crucial role that patents are increasingly playing in the business and legal strategies of the world's major technology companies, including Microsoft, Apple, Google, Samsung and HTC.
- 発音記号[lɔ'ːfti | lɔ'fti]
[形](-i・er, -i・est)
1 〈人などが〉高位の, 高貴な;威厳のある;高潔な;〈文体などが〉気品のある, 高雅な;高尚な.
2 〈態度などが〉高慢な.
3 ((限定))((文))〈山・塔などが〉非常に高い, そびえ立つ. ▼人には用いない. ⇒HIGH[類語]
1 FORMAL high:
a lofty ceiling/mountain/wall
2 FORMAL Lofty ideas etc. are of a high moral standard:
lofty sentiments/ideals
3 DISAPPROVING If you have a lofty attitude etc., you act as if you think you are better than other people:
a lofty attitude/air/tone
vantage point (PLACE) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a place, especially a high place, which provides a good clear view of an area:
From our lofty vantage point, we could see the city spread out below us.
from my vantage point I could see into the front gardenfigurative the past is continuously reinterpreted from the vantage point of the present
