Barbara Walters interviewed just about every person of importance—from Barack Obama to Katharine Hepburn to Truman Capote—during her illustrious career.
In 2014, she reflected on her decades in the field:
showboat 愛現的傢伙
在接受NBC電視台主持人霍特訪問時,川普抨擊康梅是個喜歡吸引注意力的「愛現傢伙」,讓總統與他領導的機構對他喪失信心。 美聯社
In an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt, Trump slammed Comey as a “showboat’’ attention-seeker who had lost the confidence of the president and the agency he led. AP
【蜚聲國際】北京冬奧主題曲 涉抄 Let It Go 外媒紛報道 環時否認
北京申辦2022冬季奧運的主題曲《冰雪舞動》,被指抄襲大熱迪士尼動畫《冰雪奇緣》主題曲Let It Go,中、港、台媒體大幅報道,引起歐美各大媒體關注報道;黨媒《環球時報》則發表報道,質疑網民不是專業人士,國內媒體不應在未向專業人士求證前就發表報道,但《環時》反駁的理據,卻是引述《知乎網》上一名網友的評論。
《冰雪舞動》是10首北京申奧歌曲之一,由大陸著名男歌手孫楠,及解放軍總政歌舞團女歌星譚晶合唱,近日被中港兩地網民發現旋律及風格,均有與Let It Go相似之處,尤其在前奏及主歌部份,在社交網站上熱烈討論及製作對比影片。
From Hillary Clinton's possible presidential bid to Pope Francis's
expected reforms at the Vatican to GM's new leadership under CEO Mary
Barra, take a closer look at the new year's newsmakers.
Mary Barra The
General Motors Co. executive steps into the role of CEO of the largest
U.S. auto maker on Jan. 15. She faces the hurdles of defending GM's
presence in North America while boosting its international market share.
He made portraits of sculptors, actors and literary notables, and in
1960 zeroed in on the eyes — sometimes the left, sometimes the right —
of distinguished, rather ancient artists (among them Jean Dubuffet,
Louise Nevelson, Jean Arp and Alberto Giacometti), resulting in extreme
close-ups of organs of sight surrounded by leathery, sagging skin that
are beyond gender, race and even species. And finally there are the
so-called nudes, the surprise ending of an already illustrious career
and potent latecomers to the history of Surrealism. - 翻譯這個網頁
Title, Illustrious immigrants: the intellectual migration from Europe, 1930-41. Author, Laura Fermi. Publisher, University of Chicago Press, 1968. Original from, the ...
T Holiday 2012
Holiday issue of T celebrates the season with a look back at some of the year's most illustrious people. Cover man
Jude Law talks with Sarah Lyall about turning 40 in Hollywood;
Paul Rudd discusses his turn on Broadway in "Grace"; and the photographer Graeme Mitchell presents a portfolio of a
dozen newsmakers, from the director Ang Lee to the Olympian Gabrielle Douglas — and
much more.
Vegetarian Dishes From a Greek Holiday By MARTHA ROSE SHULMAN The range of bean and vegetable holiday dishes in the Greek repertoire is striking.
"A Drifting Life" is a beautiful portrait of a dark time during which Tatsumi's artistic experimentation was clearly a guiding light for a fledgling movement. Even at 800-plus pages, it seems to end too soon, stopping in 1960. One can only hope that Tatsumi pens the rest of his illustrious life story.
Joshua Bell is internationally renowned as a great performer of
contemporary and classical repertoire. He is currently on a European tour
with the Minnesota Orchestra performing the Samuel Barber Violin Concerto.
Pianist András Schiff and the music of Beethoven
Through-out his illustrious career, Schiff has given recitals featuring
the major keyboard works of J.S. Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Chopin,
Schumann and Bartok . Interestingly, the piano works of Ludwig van
Beethoven have become a more prominent part of his repertoire more
The DW-WORLD Article
The 'Bolt' Inspires Copycats, and Ire from the IOC

It's called the 'Bolt,' and it's fast replacing the 'V' sign and the Rafael Nadal-style 'medal bite' as the cheesy gesture of choice for Olympic photo taking.
眼下﹐奧運會上最瀟洒的拍照姿勢已經不是V字手勢﹐不是拉菲爾•納達爾(Rafael Nadal)首創的“啃獎牌”﹐而是“博爾特式”。
láte • còmer latecomerの変化形
latecomers (複数形)
1 遅参[遅刻]者.
2 新参者, 新入り.
1 INFORMAL clearly of cheap quality or in bad style:
cheesy hotel music
cheesy adverts
2 UK INFORMAL describes a wide smile which is not sincere:
She gave a cheesy grin to the cameras.
See also cheesy at cheese.adj., -i·er, -i·est.
Containing or resembling cheese.
Informal. Of poor quality; shoddy.
[Sense 2, possibly from cheesy, showy, from CHEESE3.]
cheesily chees'i·ly adv.
cheesiness chees'i·ness n.
someone who lacks their own ideas and does or says exactly the same as someone else:
You're just a copycat!
1 done or made to be very similar to something else:
In the market you can buy affordable copycat (= very similar) versions of expensive perfumes.
2 describes a crime that is believed to have been influenced by another, often famous, crime because it is so similar:
copycat murders
Ever since Usain Bolt sizzled to victory in the 100-meter, his gesture — one arm pulled back, one arm extended forward, like an archer shooting upwards — has been copied by everyone from Estonian discus gold medalist Gerd Kanter to light-hearted spectators outside the Bird's Nest. Bolt even broke into his trademark pose (among others) before the start of the 200 meter race on Wednesday night, moments before the Jamaican went on to smash a second world record in this Olympics.
Usain Bolt's sponsor, could trademark that gesture, 'we'd be golden,' joked a spokesman at Puma's Beijing flagship store, who said Bolt's limited edition Theseus spikes have sold out. The Cell Meio golden shoes that Puma designed for Bolt, and which he posed with on the track, won't be in stores until next week.
But before everyone starts copying the many other moves in Bolt's flashy repertoire (which include dancing victory laps around the stadium, pounding his chest and shouting 'I'm number one!' into the cameras), the International Olympic Committee came out with a criticism of the athlete, quite a rare occurrence during these harmonious Games. Jacques Rogge, president of the IOC, said Bolt's unsportsmanlike showboating and his failure to congratulate his competitors were regrettable.
'That's not the way we perceive being a champion,' said Rogge, according to the AP. 'I have no problem with him doing a show. I think he should show more respect for his competitors and shake hands, give a tap on the shoulder to the other ones immediately after the finish and not make gestures like the one he made in the 100 meters.'
Mei Fong / Sky Canavesrepertoire [C]
all the music or plays, etc. that you can do or perform or that you know:
The Royal Shakespeare Company also have many modern plays in their repertoire.
There is an extensive repertoire of music written for the flute.

━━ a. 有名な; 顕著な.
il・lus・tri・ous・ly ━━ ad.

[f.]>n. レパートリー; 能力の及ぶ範囲; 【コンピュータ】命令の組, レパートリ.