friar :會士;修士:托缽的會士,多指方濟、道明、加爾默羅等會會士。
friary :會院;托缽會修院:多指方濟、道明、加爾默羅及思定等會會院。
monk :隱修士: (1) 度隱修、祈禱、補贖、遵守三聖願生活的人士,包括本篤會、熙篤會等會士。 (2) 僧侶;和尚(佛):系借用此字,實際上二者之生活方式並不相同。
Oxford Movement :牛津復興運動:英國眾多國教教士于 1833 年在牛津大學所提倡之運動,主張恢復宗徒傳授和聖事的聖寵功效。透過該運動有多人改宗天主教,其中包括著名之紐曼樞機 John Henry Newman ( 1801-1890 )。而英國天主教亦受其影響。
(1833 – 45) Movement within the Church of England that aimed to emphasize the church's Catholic inheritance as a source of legitimacy and deeper spirituality. Its main intent was to defend the Church of England as a divine institution against the threats of liberal theology, rationalism, and government interference. Though some in the movement (notably John Henry Newman and Henry E. Manning) ended up converting to Catholicism, most did not. Their concern for a higher standard of worship influenced not only the Church of England but also other British Protestant sects. The movement was also instrumental in the establishment of Anglican monasteries and convents.
Oblate of Mary Immaculate :無玷聖母獻主會:為法國馬賽主教馬則諾( Charles Joseph de Mazenod )在 1816 年所創立,以對貧苦人傳教為宗旨。該會東方傳教地區有錫蘭、菲律賓、寮國、日本、香港等地。簡稱 O.M.I. 。
oblate : (1) 獻身會士:為了精神的嚮往而加入某一修會,如加入撒勒爵獻身會( O.S.F.S. )。 (2) 獻身者;獻身人士:即住于修會中,遵守修會規則,而非正式入會的信友。 (3) 獻身兒童:指父母將幼童獻于本篤會度會士生活者。 (4) 奉獻物:特指彌撒中餅酒等奉獻。
oblation :奉獻;獻祭;捐獻: (1) 奉獻行為。 (2) 奉獻物。
(ŏb'lāt', ŏ-blāt') 
- Having the shape of a spheroid generated by rotating an ellipse about its shorter axis.偏球の(⇔prolate)
- Having an equatorial diameter greater than the distance between poles; compressed along or flattened at the poles: Planet Earth is an oblate solid.
oblateness ob'late'ness n.
ob·late2 (ŏb'lāt')
- A layperson dedicated to religious life.
- Oblate Roman Catholic Church. A member of one of various religious communities for men or women.
[Medieval Latin oblātus, from Latin, past participle of offerre, to offer. See offer.]
Dr. of Sacred Theology
レベル:社会人必須発音記号[θiɑ'lədʒi | -ɔ'l-]
1 [U] (特にキリスト教の)神学.
2 [U] [C] 神学理論[体系]
Thomist theology