Only the couple's widowed daughter-in-law, Noriko (Setsuko Hara), goes out of her way to entertain them. She takes them on a sightseeing tour of metropolitan Tokyo.
High-Speed Web Spawns Prairie Startups
Superfast Web Connection Helps Kansas City, Kan., Compete to Attract Technology Ventures
Precooked bean and cucumber dishes (Photo by Katsumi Oyama)
High-Speed Web Spawns Prairie Startups
Superfast Web Connection Helps Kansas City, Kan., Compete to Attract Technology Ventures
JAPANESE HOME COOKING: Stir-fry dishes with green bean, pork and cucumbers
It's reassuring to have precooked dishes waiting in the fridge for a
quick easy meal. Megumi Fujii introduces two such dishes using in-season
Taiwan motorists urged to give crabs right of way AFP TAIPEI — Motorists in southern Taiwan are being urged to give land crabs right of way during the animals' spawning season, wildlife authorities said on... go out of one's way (to do something)
1. Lit. to travel an indirect route or an extra distance in order to do something. I'll have to go out of my way to give you a ride home. I'll give you a ride even though I have to go out of my way.
2. Fig. to make an effort to do something; to accept the bother of doing something. We went out of our way to please the visitor. We appreciate anything you can do, but don't go out of your way.
in season1. At the right time, opportunely, as in "The two young men desired to get back again in good season" (Charles Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit, 1844). 2. Available and ready for eating, or other use; also, legal for hunting or fishing. For example, Strawberries are now in season, or Let me know when trout are in season and I'll go fishing with you. Both usages date from the 1300s, as does the antonym out of season, used for "inopportunely," "unavailable," and also for "not in fashion." For example, Sorry, oysters are out of season this month, or This style used to be very popular, but it's been out of season for several years. spawning noun
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