blue funk period
fringe (EDGE)
noun [C]
the outer or less important part of an area, group or activity:
the southern fringe of the city
the radical fringes of the party
be fringed with sth If a place is fringed with something, that thing forms a border along the edge:
The river is fringed with wild flowers.
1. In a state of panic or terror. For example, Just because the bride's mother is late, you needn't get in a blue funk. This term originated in the mid-1700s as in a funk, the adjective blue, meaning "affected with fear or anxiety," being added a century later.
2. In a state of dejection, sad. For example, Anne has been in a blue funk since her dog died. This usage employs blue in the sense of "sad"--a meaning that first emerged in the late 1300s. Also see have the blues.
be in a funk US INFORMAL
to be very unhappy and without hope:
He's been in a real funk since she left him.