To celebrate the opening of his Los Angeles outpost, design retailer Murray Moss ordered up a grand piano flambé.
Both medical students and patients seem to understand that a lot of practice, sprinkled with a few errors, is necessary to make a medical expert.
It’s winter 2009, but for hundreds of World War II re-enactors in Pennsylvania, it’s December 1944 at the Battle of the Bulge.
At least 17 of the 20 major nations that vowed at a November summit to avoid protectionist steps that could spark a global trade war have violated that promise, with countries from Russia to the United States to China enacting measures aimed at limiting the flow of imported goods, according to a...
Sir John brought his father and their relationship to the stage in “A Voyage Round My Father,” which eventually was produced as a television movie in 1981, filmed at the family home, Turville Heath Cottage, near Henley on Thames, where Sir John grew up. Laurence Olivier played Clifford Mortimer, re-enacting his death in the same bed where the father died.
Bush Proposes $145 Billion Plan to Spur Economy
Congressional Democrats, in a rare show of bipartisanship, pledged to work with the president to enact a plan quickly.
enact (MAKE LAW)
verb [T often passive] SPECIALIZED
to put something into action, especially to change something into a law:
A package of economic sanctions is to be enacted against the country.
enact (PERFORM)
verb [T] FORMAL
to perform a story or play:
The stories are enacted using music, dance and mime.
noun [C or U] FORMAL
enact (MAKE LAW)
verb [T often passive] SPECIALIZED
to put something into action, especially to change something into a law:
A package of economic sanctions is to be enacted against the country.
Historical reenactment is a type of roleplay in which participants attempt to recreate some aspects of a historical event or period. This may be as narrow as a specific moment from a battle, such as the reenactment of Pickett's Charge at the Great Reunion of 1913, or as broad as an entire period.
verb [T] -rr- ━━ v. (-rr-) 拍車をかける[つける] ((on, onward)); 激励[刺激]する ((on, to, into)); 促進する; 馬を飛ばす.
to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster:
Rising consumer sales have the effect of spurring the economy to faster growth.
Spurred (on) by her early success, she went on to write four more novels in rapid succession.
noun [C]
The manager said that the team's win on Saturday would be a spur to even greater effort this season.
sprinkle Show phoneticsBush Proposes $145 Billion Plan to Spur Economy
Congressional Democrats, in a rare show of bipartisanship, pledged to work with the president to enact a plan quickly.
enact (PERFORM)
verb [T]
to scatter a few bits or drops of something over a surface:
Sprinkle a few herbs on the pizza./Sprinkle the pizza with a few herbs.
FIGURATIVE The speech was liberally sprinkled with (= contained many) jokes about the incident.
sprinkle Show phonetics
noun [C usually singular] (US ALSO sprinkling)
a very light fall of rain or snow which lasts only a short time
sprinkler Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a piece of equipment for scattering water onto fires to put them out
2 a device with a lot of small holes which you put on the end of a hose in order to water plants, grass, etc.
sprinkling Show phonetics
noun [C usually singular]
small bits or drops of something that are scattered over a surface:
Top each bowl with a generous sprinkling of fresh mint.
FIGURATIVE The audience were mainly women with a sprinkling (= a small number) of earnest-looking men.
FIGURATIVE Looking young for his forty years, he has just a sprinkling (= a small number) of grey hairs at the temples.
[flahm-BAY] French for "flamed" or "flaming," this dramatic method of food presentation consists of sprinkling certain foods with liquor, which, after warming, is ignited just before serving.
IN BRIEF: v. - Pour liquor over and ignite (a dish).
Tutor's tip: It would be ridiculous to try to make cherries "flambe" (dressed or served with flaming liquor, usually a dessert) with a "flambeau." (a torch)
[flahm-BAY] French for "flamed" or "flaming," this dramatic method of food presentation consists of sprinkling certain foods with liquor, which, after warming, is ignited just before serving.

IN BRIEF: v. - Pour liquor over and ignite (a dish).
Tutor's tip: It would be ridiculous to try to make cherries "flambe" (dressed or served with flaming liquor, usually a dessert) with a "flambeau." (a torch)