“The rise of the smartphone and things like graphics and 3D images weren’t important when the incumbents built this business,” said Michael Rayfield, the general manager of Nvidia’s mobile business unit. “This is a once in a lifetime deal where a huge market changes the things that are important to it.”
incumbent (PERSON) Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
officially having the named position:
The incumbent president faces problems which began many years before he took office.
incumbent Show phonetics
noun [C]
the person who has or had a particular official position:
the first/last/previous incumbent
The present incumbent (of the post) is due to retire next month.
incumbency Show phonetics
noun [C]
the period during which someone held a particular position:
During her incumbency (as commissioner), several changes were introduced.
incumbent (NECESSARY) Show phonetics
adjective FORMAL
be incumbent on/upon sb to be necessary for someone:
She felt it incumbent upon/on her to raise the subject at their meeting.
incumbent (ĭn-kŭm'bənt) ━━ a. 義務としてかかる ((on)); 在職中[現職]の.
━━ n. (英国教会の)在職牧師; 在職者 ((特に現職議員)).
- Imposed as an obligation or duty; obligatory: felt it was incumbent on us all to help.
- Lying, leaning, or resting on something else: incumbent rock strata.
- Currently holding a specified office: the incumbent mayor.
A person who holds an office or ecclesiastical benefice: The incumbent was reelected to another term.
[Middle English, holder of an office, from Medieval Latin incumbēns, incumbent-, from Latin, present participle of incumbere, to lean upon, apply oneself to : in-, on; see in–2 + -cumbere, to recline.]
incumbently in·cum'bent·ly adv.新聞
Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:
Saakashvili Set to Win "Broadly Democratic" Georgian Poll
Incumbent Mikhail Saakashvili looked set to return as Georgian president on Sunday, Dec. 6, with initial results giving him a clear majority in polls held the previous day and judged as valid by international observers.
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1 則留言:
Google to enter China online music sector
Reuters - USA
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Google Inc plans to enter the online music market in China for the first time, as it steps up its battle with local incumbent Baidu.com ...