Predicting Sand and Dust Storms
About one third of the world’s land mass is covered by deserts and
savannahs. And these dry lands keep spreading. The root cause for what is
called desertification is unsustainable agriculture which leaves the soil
The DW-WORLD Article
Fighting the Financial Crisis, One Challenge at a Time By HENRY M. PAULSON Jr.
If we have learned anything throughout this year, we have learned that this financial crisis is unpredictable and difficult to counteract.
Arabia Deserta ("Abandoned/deserted Arabia", also known as Arabia Magna ("Greater Arabia") in Latin signified the desert interior of the Arabian peninsula
Living Planet | 23.10.2008 | 04:30
Environment, Forced Migration and Social Vulnerability
Desertification doesn’t just threaten millions of hectares of land, but also the livelihood of countless numbers of people.
This month, the first international conference on the topic of "environment, forced migration and social vulnerability" took place in Bonn. Some 500 experts, politicians and students took part in the event, which showcased speakers from around the world.
For three days the visitors discussed the effects of environmental and climate change. There was one point which they all agreed on - the necessity to effectively counteract the spread of desert regions. Maximilian Rech visisted the conference and his report is presented by Eva Wutke.
Report: Maximilian Rech / Eva Wutke
n. - 大草原 日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 大草原, サバンナ, 草原, サヴァナ, サヴァナ川
verb [T]
to reduce or remove the effect of something unwanted by producing an opposite effect:
Drinking a lot of water counteracts the dehydrating effects of hot weather.
Definition of COUNTERPUNCH
: a counter in boxing; also : a countering blow or attack
— counterpunch intransitive verb
1 則留言:
A piano is like a lion in the savannah, says pianist Helene Grimaud
Helene Grimaud's outstanding musicianship has won her much press, as has
her spirited, independent mindset. She talked with DW about being a female
performer, raising wolves and the occasional loneliness of her career.
The DW-WORLD.DE Article