She says she believes the majority of people supports the Olympic torch. 'The people that are going to the protest, they just are little but they make big noise,' says Ms. Yuan.
Hazing is an often ritualistic test and a task, which may constitute harassment, abuse or humiliation with requirements to perform random, often meaningless tasks, sometimes as a way of initiation into a social group. The definition can refer to either physical (sometimes violent) or mental (possibly degrading) practices; it may also include an 'erotic' element (notably nudity). The word is most frequently encountered in the United States and Canada; in the United Kingdom and some other Commonwealth countries, ragging, fagging or fooling is usually used instead. In Australia, the term "bastardization" is used. In continental European languages, terms with a 'christening' theme or etymology are often preferred (e.g. baptême in French, doop in Dutch in Flanders) or variations on a theme of naïveté and the rite of passage such as a derivation from a term for freshman (e.g. bizutage in French, ontgroening 'de-green[horn]ing' in Dutch) or a combination of both, such as in the Finnish mopokaste (literally "motorbicycle baptism", "motorbicycle" being the nickname for freshmen, stemming from the concept that they would be barred from riding a full motorcycle by their age).
日本的學校和道場等等群體還有各種的霸凌現象, 譬如說 Sumo hazing allegations rock Japan。
BBC News - UKBy Steve Jackson Japan's PM Yasuo Fukuda has called on sumo wrestling authorities to take action, after the high-profile arrest of a coach and three ...
big fish/gun/noise (US big shot/wheel) INFORMAL
a person who has an important or powerful position in a group or organization:
She's a big gun in city politics.
He's a big shot in advertising.
a big noise 〔話〕 大物; お偉方.
make (a) noise about …のことで騒ぐ; …について不平をもらす.
make a noise in the world 世間の評判になる, 世間を騒がせる; 有名になる.
make noises (はっきりした発言でなく)煮え切らないことを言う, もごもご言う.
pervade Show phoneticsverb [T] FORMAL ━━ vt. 広がる, いっぱいになる; 普及する; 浸透する.
When qualities, characteristics or smells pervade a place or thing, they spread through it and are present in every part of it:
The film is a reflection of the violence that pervades American culture.
pervasive Show phonetics
adjective FORMAL
present or noticeable in every part of a thing or place:
The influence of Freud is pervasive in her books.
a pervasive smell of diesel
Reforms are being undermined by the all-pervasive corruption in the country.