JABUGO JOURNALSpain's Prized Ibérico Hams Can't Cure Fast Enough for ChinaBy RAPHAEL MINDER
With a passion for pork products, and rising incomes, Chinese consumers have entered the market for Spanish hams with gusto.
A green ice pop
A popsicle (Canada and the United States), freeze pop (Ireland), ice lolly (United Kingdom and Ireland), ice block (parts of Australia and New Zealand), ice pop and freezer pop (U.S.) is a water-based frozen snack. It is made by freezing flavored liquid (such as fruit juice) around a stick. Often, the juice is colored artificially.[1]
Once the liquid freezes solid, the stick can be used as a handle to
hold the ice pop. When a popsicle does not have a stick, it is called,
among other names, a freezie.William Sylvanus Baxter paused for a moment of thought in front of the drug-store at the corner of Washington Street and Central Avenue. He had an internal question to settle before he entered the store: he wished to allow the young man at the soda-fountain no excuse for saying, "Well, make up your mind what it's goin' to be, can't you?" Rudeness of this kind, especially in the presence of girls and women, was hard to bear, and though William Sylvanus Baxter had borne it upon occasion, he had reached an age when he found it intolerable. Therefore, to avoid offering opportunity for anything of the kind, he decided upon chocolate and strawberry, mixed, before approaching the fountain. Once there, however, and a large glass of these flavors and diluted ice-cream proving merely provocative, he said, languidly—an affectation, for he could have disposed of half a dozen with gusto: "Well, now I'm here, I might as well go one more. Fill 'er up again. Same."
Two words must satisfy both the crusty generation of veteran scholars and the giddy linguistic students whose jargon is a step ahead. It's a tricky exercise, and the result always feels slightly off, given that words are evolving at a frenzied pace and everyone has become his own lexicographer with his own definitions.
Are We Having A Ball Yet?: The Inaugural Party Bubble Bursts
Don't you hate it when you pop a bottle of champagne and it's flat? So, too, with some of these inaugural balls. If you nabbed a ticket to one of the official balls sponsored by the Presidential Inaugural Committee tonight, you're fine. But some of the other high-profile parties have been canceled...
past tense: cured; past participle: cured; adjective: -cured
- 1.relieve (a person or animal) of the symptoms of a disease or condition."he was cured of the disease"
synonyms: heal, restore to health, make well, make better, restore, rehabilitate,treat successfully; archaiccleanse"Casey had been cured, but he needed to convalesce"
quaff (kwŏf, kwăf, kwôf)
-->v., quaffed, quaff·ing, quaffs. v.tr.
To drink (a beverage) heartily: quaffed the ale with gusto.
To drink a liquid heartily: quaffed from the spring.
A hearty draft of liquid.
[Origin unknown.]
━━ n., v. がぶ飲み(する).quaff Show phonetics
to drink something quickly or in large amounts
quaffable Show phonetics
adjective HUMOROUS
If an alcoholic drink is quaffable, it is easy and pleasant to drink a lot of it:
This wine is very quaffable, isn't it?
- 1.enjoyment and enthusiasm in doing something."Hawkins tucked into his breakfast with gusto"
synonyms: enthusiasm, relish, appetite, enjoyment, delight, glee, pleasure,satisfaction, gratification, appreciation, liking, fondness; More - 2.archaicthe style in which a work of art is executed.
- 発音記号[gʌ'stou]
2 ((古))(個人の)趣味, 好み;高雅な風格.
- レベル:社会人必須
- 発音記号[lǽŋgwid]
1 (虚弱・疲労から)だらっとした, ものうい, けだるい, 元気がない;〈会合・場所・産業などが〉活気のない, 沈滞した
[ラテン語languidus (languēre弱くなる+-ID=元気のない). △LAG1, LAX, SLACK1]
FOOD STUFF; No Alcohol, but a Sweet Little Buzz
A sophisticated nonalcoholic quaff is always welcome. Twelve is just such a refreshing newcomer, a fizzy tea-based drink seasoned with herbs, citrus and ginger...June 6, 2007 - Arts - 113 words- -
BASIC INSTINCTS; You Want A Simple Life? It'll Cost You
...and I were familiar with some local bargains. Breakfast for two at the local diner rarely strayed above 10 bucks. You could quaff a top-shelf martini at a nearby pub for $5-- or get a glass of Genesee draft beer for $1.50 -- prices I hadn't seen...May 19, 2007 - Business - 739 words- -
FOOD STUFF; Pop the Cork And Have a Beer
The perfect quaff for New Year's Day toasts while bowl games play on that new flat-screen television is Krait Prestige Champagne Lager from Belgium...December 27, 2006 - Arts - 87 words- -
PAIRINGS; A Crab-Meat and Pesto Treat That Does Double Duty
POPPING open a bottle of prosecco has none of the ceremony associated with Champagne. Prosecco is not a special-occasion quaff; it's a refresher, especially on a warm summer afternoon or evening. It does offer the almost giddy delight that can be...June 21, 2006 - Arts - 450 words- -
Down East, by the Pint or the Vat
...Longfellow's birthplace, is Maine's largest brewer, Shipyard Brewing Company, where visitors can watch an educational film, quaff generous samples and tour sprawling facilities that include a huge and impossibly complicated bottling line. Beers from dozens...September 28, 2007 - Travel - 1520 words-
adj., -di·er, -di·est.
- Having a reeling, lightheaded sensation; dizzy.
- Causing or capable of causing dizziness: a giddy climb to the topmast.
- Frivolous and lighthearted; flighty.
To become or make giddy.
[Middle English gidi, crazy, from Old English gidig.]
giddily gid'di·ly adv.giddiness gid'di·ness n.
SYNONYMS giddy, dizzy, vertiginous. These adjectives mean producing a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall: a giddy precipice; a dizzy pinnacle; a vertiginous height.
WORD HISTORY The word giddy refers to fairly lightweight experiences or situations, but at one time it had to do with profundities. Giddy can be traced back to the same Germanic root *gud- that has given us the word God. The Germanic word *gudigaz formed on this root meant "possessed by a god." Such possession can be a rather unbalancing experience, and so it is not surprising that the Old English descendant of *gudigaz, gidig, meant "mad, possessed by an evil spirit," or that the Middle English development of gidig, gidi, meant the same thing, as well as "foolish; mad (used of an animal); dizzy; uncertain, unstable." Our sense "lighthearted, frivolous" represents the ultimate secularization of giddy.