Report Says Oil Agency Ran Amok
Government officials in charge of collecting billions of dollars worth of royalties from oil and gas companies accepted gifts, steered contracts to favored clients and engaged in drug use and illicit sex with employees of the energy firms, federal investigators reported yesterday.
(By Derek Kravitz and Mary Pat Flaherty, The Washington Post)
Concert Hour: Deutsche Welle Festival Concert
From the Mozart Festival in Würzburg (I): A group of musicians that have
been called an "orchestra of soloists," led by a guest conductor with
clear convictions and interesting ideas.
The DW-WORLD Article
IN BRIEF: One who performs by oneself.
I was chosen to be the soloist for the clarinet part for the concert.
Also, run riot or wild. Behave in a frenzied, out-of-control, or unrestrained manner. For example, I was afraid that if I left the toddler alone she would run amok and have a hard time calming down, or The weeds are running riot in the lawn, or The children were running wild in the playground.
Amok comes from a Malay word for "frenzied" and was adopted into English, and at first spelled amuck, in the second half of the 1600s.
Run riot dates from the early 1500s and derives from an earlier sense, that is, a hound's following an animal scent. Run wild alludes to an animal reverting to its natural, uncultivated state; its figurative use dates from the late 1700s.

- Inclined to believe in superstition.
- Of, characterized by, or proceeding from superstition.