The German government has decided to renationalise the debt-ridden Bundesdruckerei, printer of the country's banknotes, passports and ID cards. The Federal Printing Office was privatised eight years ago by then-chancellor Gerhard Schröder's government, to a British-US private equity group. The firm, which also makes ID documents and banknotes for clients around the world, ran into serious trouble when a subsidiary making chip cards dragged it close to bankruptcy. In 2002 the Bundesdruckerei was re-sold for a symbolic one euro to a group of trustees. The German government said the buy-back was in the interest of national security.
n. A place where cloth is printed; print works; also, a printing office. [R.]
printer control language 【コンピュータ】プリンタ制御言語.
printer driver 【コンピュータ】プリンタードライバー ((コンピュータからプリンターを制御・使用するためのソフトウェア)).
printer font 【コンピュータ】プリンターフォント.
printer format 【コンピュータ】プリント形式, 字枠.
printer resolution 【コンピュータ】プリンタ解像度, 印刷解像度.
printer's devil 印刷屋の見習工.
printer's error 【印】(植字工による)誤植.
print server 【コンピュータ】プリンター・サーバ.
printer's ink =printing ink.
printer stand 【コンピュータ】プリンタ・スタンド.