Google founder endows U of Maryland professorship
By the Associated Press
Article Launched: 09/16/2008 07:55:23 AM PDT
BALTIMORE — The University Maryland School of Medicine announced Monday that Google founder Sergey Brin and his parents have endowed a professor's chair at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, where Brin's mother is being treated for Parkinson's Disease.Dr. Lisa Shulman is the first recipient of the Eugenia Brin Professorship in Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders. Brin, his mother and father, Michael Brin, have donated $1.5 million to the university to establish the professorship.
Mrs. Brin said the donation was made to help patients like herself and "possibly even find a cure." Shulman plans to use money generated by the endowment to support a database the center has developed over the past five years on more than 1,000 Parkinson's patients.
No 'Golden Parachutes' at GSEs
Exit packages for the deposed CEOs of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be blocked by a federal regulator.
golden rule noun [C usually singular]
an important rule or principle, especially in a particular situation:
The golden rule for working in any factory is to observe its safety regulations.
golden rule:金律:從積極角度看律法,譬如:己之所欲施之於人(瑪七12)。而銀律 silver rule 則從消極角度去看,譬如:己所不欲勿施於人。
golden hello noun [C] UK
an extra payment made to a new employee who is particularly valued
golden parachute noun [C] MAINLY US INFORMAL
a large payment made to someone who has an important job with a company when they are forced to leave their job
