Magical spells are a booming business in Myanmar
Global impact: Countries that have long shared deep ties with the U.S., including Australia, Japan, Germany and South Korea, are reorienting themselves for a future in which China is as economically important as the U.S.
For example, three years ago HTC created Magic Labs, a group that in addition to about 50 software, hardware and mechanical engineers and industrial designers, includes a writer and a jewelry designer. They all help brainstorm ideas and design new products. Many have titles like software magician and mechanical wizard. The marketing chief John Wang’s business card reads “Chief Innovation Wizard.”
terrified by the magic of the marketplace
In short, the McCain plan makes no sense at all, unless you have faith that the magic of the marketplace can solve all problems. And Mr. McCain does: a much-quoted article published under his name declares that “Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation.”
I agree: the McCain plan would do for health care what deregulation has done for banking. And I’m terrified.
verb [T]
to frighten someone very much:
The idea of parachuting out of a plane terrifies me.

━━ n. 魔法使い; 奇術師.
━━ n. (男の)魔法使い; 奇術師; 天才, 熟練者 ((at, with)); 〔俗〕 【コンピュータ】ウィザード ((複雑なプログラムやコンピュータ機器に精通した人)).
━━ a. 〔英話〕 天才的な, すばらしい.
