Roland Halbe
MAXXI: National Museum of XXI Century Art, Rome, 2009
This contemporary-art center is located in a neighborhood of apartment buildings and military barracks on the edge of the city's historic district. On the outside, a cantilevered concrete box that holds a gallery (and brings to mind the pinnacle of Hadid's Bergisel ski jump) seems to peer down at visitors. The curving wall beneath it creates a countervailing field of motion. As with the BMW plant, lines of movement within and around the building are suggested by the pathways of the surrounding neighborhood. Though the museum appears to be a single structure, it's actually five buildings joined together in a way to permit essential wiggle room during an earthquake.
MAXXI: National Museum of XXI Century Art, Rome, 2009
This contemporary-art center is located in a neighborhood of apartment buildings and military barracks on the edge of the city's historic district. On the outside, a cantilevered concrete box that holds a gallery (and brings to mind the pinnacle of Hadid's Bergisel ski jump) seems to peer down at visitors. The curving wall beneath it creates a countervailing field of motion. As with the BMW plant, lines of movement within and around the building are suggested by the pathways of the surrounding neighborhood. Though the museum appears to be a single structure, it's actually five buildings joined together in a way to permit essential wiggle room during an earthquake.
Read more:,29307,1985954_2131986,00.html#ixzz0mdafvo6T
Mexico's can't-miss cantilever:
Pupils thought of Samuel Paty as sympa, even exciting—the teacher they hoped they would get when they changed years
Former Real Madrid president Ramon Calderon told BBC Radio 5 live: "I have very good memories of the years he spent here. He was very professional with impeccable behaviour."
tea and sympathy
sympa translate: nice, friendly. Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary.
Robert Anderson, Playwright of ‘Tea and Sympathy,’ Dies at 91
Mr. Anderson was among the theater’s most visible, serious playwrights of the 1950s and ’60s.
tea and sympathy OLD-FASHIONED
kindness and sympathy that you show to someone who is upset:
It's time for action, not just tea and sympathy.
ISBN:9780399149375 (Hard cover book)
Naughton, Anita /Perry, Nicola (INT) /Publisher:Putnam Pub Group Published 2002/10 入手不能(Not Available)(Out of Print)古書を探す
The World's Best Candy Bars? English, of Course
...Canadians and Americans. Nicky Perry has sold chocolate bars from her home country for more than a decade at her store, Tea and Sympathy, in Greenwich Village. Her theory is that the bars from the United Kingdom are made from a better recipe, containing...
Op-Ed Columnist
Why No Tea and Sympathy?
W. can't get no satisfaction on Iraq.
There's an angry mother of a dead soldier camping outside his Crawford ranch, demanding to see a president who prefers his sympathy to be carefully choreographed.
A new CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll shows that a majority of Americans now think that going to war was a mistake and that the war has made the U.S. more vulnerable to terrorism. So fighting them there means it's more likely we'll have to fight them here?
Donald Rumsfeld acknowledged yesterday that sophisticated bombs were streaming over the border from Iran to Iraq.
And the Rolling Stones have taken a rare break from sex odes to record an antiwar song called "Sweet Neo Con," chiding Condi Rice and Mr. Bush. "You call yourself a Christian; I call you a hypocrite," Mick Jagger sings.
The N.F.L. put out a press release on Monday announcing that it's teaming up with the Stones and ABC to promote "Monday Night Football." The flag-waving N.F.L. could still back out if there's pressure, but the mood seems to have shifted since Madonna chickened out of showing an antiwar music video in 2003. The White House used to be able to tamp down criticism by saying it hurt our troops, but more people are asking the White House to explain how it plans to stop our troops from getting hurt.
Cindy Sheehan, a 48-year-old Californian with a knack for P.R., says she will camp out in the dusty heat near the ranch until she gets to tell Mr. Bush face to face that he must pull all U.S. troops out of Iraq. Her son, Casey, a 24-year-old Army specialist, was killed in a Sadr City ambush last year.
The president met with her family two months after Casey's death. Capturing W.'s awkwardness in traversing the line between somber and joking, and his love of generic labels, Ms. Sheehan said that W. had referred to her as "Mom" throughout the meeting, and given her the sense that he did not know who her son was.
The Bush team tried to discredit "Mom" by pointing reporters to an old article in which she sounded kinder to W. If only her husband were an undercover C.I.A. operative, the Bushies could out him. But even if they send out a squad of Swift Boat Moms for Truth, there will be a countering Falluja Moms for Truth.
It's amazing that the White House does not have the elementary shrewdness to have Mr. Bush simply walk down the driveway and hear the woman out, or invite her in for a cup of tea. But W., who has spent nearly 20 percent of his presidency at his ranch, is burrowed into his five-week vacation and two-hour daily workouts. He may be in great shape, but Iraq sure isn't.
It's hard to think of another president who lived in such meta-insulation. His rigidly controlled environment allows no chance encounters with anyone who disagrees. He never has to defend himself to anyone, and that is cognitively injurious. He's a populist who never meets people - an ordinary guy who clears brush, and brush is the only thing he talks to. Mr. Bush hails Texas as a place where he can return to his roots. But is he mixing it up there with anyone besides Vulcans, Pioneers and Rangers?
W.'s idea of consolation was to dispatch Stephen Hadley, the national security adviser, to talk to Ms. Sheehan, underscoring the inhumane humanitarianism of his foreign policy. Mr. Hadley is just a suit, one of the hard-line Unsweet Neo Cons who helped hype America into this war.
It's getting harder for the president to hide from the human consequences of his actions and to control human sentiment about the war by pulling a curtain over the 1,835 troops killed in Iraq; the more than 13,000 wounded, many shorn of limbs; and the number of slain Iraqi civilians - perhaps 25,000, or perhaps double or triple that. More people with impeccable credentials are coming forward to serve as a countervailing moral authority to challenge Mr. Bush.
Paul Hackett, a Marine major who served in Iraq and criticized the president on his conduct of the war, narrowly lost last week when he ran for Congress as a Democrat in a Republican stronghold in Cincinnati. Newt Gingrich warned that the race should "serve as a wake-up call to Republicans" about 2006.
Selectively humane, Mr. Bush justified his Iraq war by stressing the 9/11 losses. He emphasized the humanity of the Iraqis who desire freedom when his W.M.D. rationale vaporized.
But his humanitarianism will remain inhumane as long as he fails to understand that the moral authority of parents who bury children killed in Iraq is absolute.
Thomas L. Friedman is on vacation.
In a triumph of covert police work, undercover officers in North Carolina arrested another undercover officer from a different force after buying drugs off him.
- 1.a long projecting beam or girder fixed at only one end, used in bridge construction.
- by a cantilever or cantilevers."a cantilevered deck"
undercover:可當形容詞或名詞,前者指從事秘密工作的,後者指臥底的警察、特務。例句:Are you interested in doing any undercover work?(你有興趣從事任何臥底的工作嗎?)
- Performed or occurring in secret: an undercover investigation.
- Engaged or employed in spying or secret investigation: undercover FBI agents.
- Not openly practiced, avowed, engaged in, accumulated, or shown: covert military operations; covert funding for the rebels. See synonyms at secret.
- Covered or covered over; sheltered.
- Law. Being married and therefore protected by one's husband.
- A covering or cover.
- A covered place or shelter; hiding place.
- Thick underbrush or woodland affording cover for game.
- Zoology. One of the small feathers covering the bases of the longer feathers of a bird's wings or tail.
- A flock of coots. See synonyms at flock1.
[Middle English, from Old French, from past participle of covrir, to cover. See cover.]
covertly cov'ert·ly adv.covertness cov'ert·ness n.coun·ter·vail (koun'tər-vāl', koun'tər-vāl')
v., -vailed, -vail·ing, -vails.
- To act against with equal force; counteract.
- To compensate for; offset.
To act against an often detrimental influence or power.
[Middle English countrevaillen, from Old French contrevaloir, contrevail- : contre-, counter- + valoir, to be worth (from Latin valēre, to be strong).]
Pronunciation: /ɪmˈpɛkəb(ə)l/
Definition of impeccable
Pronunciation: /-ˈbɪlɪti/
1 〈人・作法などが〉欠点[非の打ちどころ]のない, 完ぺきな, 申し分のない.
2 罪を犯さない;罪のない.