General Motors is offering its dealers hefty incentives to move thousands of leftover vehicles from its discontinued Saturn and Pontiac brands in the U.S.
Talks between IBM and Sun Microsystems were on the brink of collapse Sunday, threatening to undermine a potential $7 billion acquisition.
Due to overwhelming demand for this design, Penguin Parent and Child Hand Cooler is currently backordered. The estimated ship date for orders placed today is December 17, 2008.
An impatient White House prodded banks and other financial companies Tuesday to quit hoarding billions of dollars flowing into their vaults from Washington and start making more loans.
Lehman executives insist they and the company's board stand behind Mr. Fuld, who has pulled Lehman back from the brink time and again. But some critics say he has been slow to sell troubled assets and secure the financial lifeline Lehman needs.
Given a Shovel, Digging Deeper Into Debt
Practices that produced record profits for many banks have led millions of Americans to the brink.
noun [S]
1 the point where a new or different situation is about to begin:
Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.
Scientists are on the brink of (= extremely close to) a major new discovery.
2 LITERARY the edge of a cliff or other high area:
She was standing right on the brink of the gorge.
Fire Sale
原指: A sale of merchandise damaged by fire.
A situation in which the prices of securities in the financial markets are considered to be very low.
back order
(在庫切れで未納の)繰越し注文, 受注残.
backorder cost目前無法如期交貨的訂單
A cost incurred by a business when it is unable to fill an order and must complete it later. A backorder cost can be discrete, as in the cost to replace a specific piece of inventory, or intangible, such as the effects of poor customer service. Backorder costs are usually computed and displayed on a per-unit basis.
Investopedia Says:
Backorder costs are important for companies to track, as the relationship between holding costs of inventory and backorder costs will determine whether a company should over- or under-produce. If the carrying cost of inventory is less than backorder costs (this is true in most cases), the company should over-produce and keep an inventory.
assume (ACCEPT)