Japan pays jobless incomers to go
Japan's unemployment rate is at a three-year high |
Japan is offering 300,000 yen ($3,000;£2,000) for a plane ticket home for some unemployed overseas workers.
In addition, there is 200,000 yen for each family member leaving the country.
The scheme only applies to hundreds of thousands of South Americans of Japanese descent, living in the country on special visas for factory work.
- One that acts or has the power or authority to act.
- One empowered to act for or represent another: an author's agent; an insurance agent.
- A means by which something is done or caused; instrument.
- A force or substance that causes a change: a chemical agent; an infectious agent.
- A representative or official of a government or administrative department of a government: an FBI agent.
- A spy.
- Linguistics. The noun or noun phrase that specifies the person through whom or the means by which an action is effected.
v., a·gent·ed, a·gent·ing, a·gents. v.tr.
To act as an agent or representative for: Who will agent your next book?
v.intr.To act as an agent or representative.
[Middle English, from Latin agēns, agent-, present participle of agere, to do.]
A software routine that waits in the background and performs an action when a specified event occurs. For example, agents could transmit a summary file on the first day of the month or monitor incoming data and alert the user when a certain transaction has arrived. Agents are also called "intelligent agents," "personal agents" and "bots." See mobile agent, bot and workflow.
1. One who comes in.
Outgoers and incomers.Lew Wallace. 2. One who succeeds another, as a tenant of land, houses, etc. [Eng.] incoming Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
1 arriving at or coming towards a place:
incoming mail/telephone calls
an incoming flight
2 soon to start something such as a job because recently chosen or elected:
the incoming government
What are the biggest problems faced by the incoming president?
US Incoming freshmen (= students in the first year at college) start a week before everyone else.
每道菜都有其關鍵物或關鍵手續,即其cooking agent。比方有的在於糖提味,有的在燒烤火候工夫,
把"食材" 變成(cook) "食物",靠的是cooking agent。所以我覺得"調味"不足以盡其意。涼拌菜裡的鹽,
姓名: nobody 留言:「cooking agent 炊媒?」
小讀者留言:「讚喲!很有那個語境耶 !」
《教育部 國語辭典》
解釋: 大鼎。爾雅˙釋器:鼎絕大謂之鼐。郭璞˙注:最大者。詩經˙
【鼎鼐調和】之 解釋: 比喻宰相的職責。亦作調和鼎鼐。
R. Arnheim1984 年8月12日(p.332-33)的雜誌寫道:
Every time I begin to play, I rub my bow faithfully with rosin, and every time I used my curving tools, I hone them with a drop of oil on a whetstone; but I have no idea whether the rosin really smoothes the sound or the wheststone really sharpens the chisels. Similarly, from the morning to the evening, from brushing my teeth with salt and bicarbonate of soda to drinking real coffee to stay awake and decaffeinated coffee to sleep. I perform one ritual after another without the slightest proof that any of those agents does the duty. Since controlled experiments exist only in the laboratories of the scientists, nothing better than faith is available for my conduct.
━━ vt. (代理人として)遂行する.