When ‘S.V.U.’ Stands for ‘Shopping Victims United’By STUART ELLIOTT They say that gamblers like to “play the percentages.” As the recession drags on, shoppers are doing the same, seeking stores where the signs promise sale prices that are 50, 60, 70 percent or more off regular prices.Many retailers that do not typically offer such large discounts found themselves forced to do so last Christmas or risk losing what business there was to rivals that were more willing to slash prices. The consumers’ pursuit of percent-off deals has continued into the new year, bringing prices that seem like holiday specials throughout the winter and into spring.
percent, per cent Show phonetics
for or out of every 100, shown shown by the symbol %:
You got 20 percent of the answers right - that means one in every five.
Only 40% of people bothered to vote in the election.
Most people don't even understand what Six Sigma means. It is a goal. A goal of very few defects, down to defects per million. We used to think in terms of percent defective. For example, 1 percent defective is 10,000 defects per million units, a far cry from three or four.
Basically, the concept is perfectly good, but there is nothing new.
German rail strikes to continue in Jan
German train drivers have said that they will strike once more on January 7th. Their union, the GDL, has held a series of crippling freight and passenger stoppages since July. Talks between the union and railway operator, Deutsche Bahn AG, once again broke down on Wednesday, without any reason being stated. The GDL had been seeking a 31 percent pay rise but signalled recently that it would be willing to accept a deal in the 10-15 percent range. Observers
estimate the strikes cost the German economy around 75 million euros a day.
Google Getting Close to 70% of US Search Market
ReadWriteWeb - CA,USA
According to the latest data from Hitwise, Google gained yet another percentage point on its biggest competitors last month and now accounts for more than ...
percentage Show phonetics
1 [C] an amount of something, often expressed as a number out of 100:
What percentage of women return to work after having a baby?
Interest rates have risen by two percentage points.
Mr. Summers's critique also extended to the Fed. He said the effect of the central bank's rate-cutting has been blunted by the reluctance of financial institutions to extend credit. The Fed has reduced its short-term interest rate target by a percentage point since August, to 4.25%, but, he said, only 40% of that has passed through to the broader Libor, the London interbank offered rate that reflects the rate at which banks lend to each other on the London wholesale money market. To correct that, the Fed should pull its monetary-policy levers to the extent necessary to reduce Libor to its desired level, Mr. Summers said.
2 [U] US INFORMAL an advantage:
There's no percentage in working such long hours.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
percent, per cent
━━ n. パーセント ((記号 %));
〔英〕 (pl.) 利付き債券.
"percents 是公債代稱,英式用法。文中說啦,當時英國政府以一定利率發行公債,是1801年新開張的股票交易場上唯一證券,而且一唯一就唯一了廿多年。英國投資大眾便是通過這些公債,參與、分享、助成了帝國一步步擴張的事業。" (丁丁引Personal Finance in Jane Austen: Percents and Sensibility 12.20.2005, The Economist)
━━ a., ad. 100につき; 100分の.
percentage order 【株】後付け注文.
小說:per cent 和 percentage
Date "percentage" was first used in popular English literature: sometime before 1851. (references)
Note: Percentage \Per*cent"age\, noun. [Per cent -age, as in average. See Per, and Cent.].
1. 【物】 百分率[比],百分數;比率,部分,比例
2. 【物】 (按百分比提成的)手續費,傭金
3. 【事】 【口】 利益,好處
4. 【事】 【口】 (獲勝的)可能性,機率
n. - 百分率, 百分比, 部分, 比例, 利潤, 賺頭
日本語 n. - 百分率, 割合, 歩合, 手数料;(French) pourcentage, pour cent
percent, per cent adverb
for or out of every 100, shown shown by the symbol %:
You got 20 percent of the answers right - that means one in every five.
Only 40% of people bothered to vote in the election.
percentage noun
1 [C] an amount of something, often expressed as a number out of 100:
What percentage of women return to work after having a baby?
Interest rates have risen by two percentage points.
2 [U] US INFORMAL an advantage:
There's no percentage in working such long hours.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
per•cent•age n.
a. A fraction or ratio with 100 understood as the denominator; for example, 0.98 equals a percentage of 98.
b. The result obtained by multiplying a quantity by a percent.
2. A proportion or share in relation to a whole; a part: The hecklers constituted only a small percentage of the audience.
3. An amount, such as an allowance, duty, or commission, that varies in proportion to a larger sum, such as total sales: work for a percentage.
4. Informal. Advantage; gain: There is no percentage in work without pay.
用法注意percentage 之前為"the ",動詞採單數;percentage 之前為"a ",動詞採單或複數: USAGE NOTE When preceded by the, percentage takes a singular verb: The percentage of unskilled workers is small. When preceded by a, it takes either a singular or plural verb, depending on the number of the noun in the prepositional phrase that follows: A small percentage of the workers are unskilled. A large percentage of the crop has spoiled.
--The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
各領域的數十個參考例Non-Fiction Usage: Percentage
The Communist Party has an avowed policy of boosting minority representation in the Government and the CCP, and minorities constitute 14 percent of the National People's Congress, which is higher than their percentage in the population.
The Constitution provides for equal rights for women, and, while their percentage in government and politics does not correspond to their percentage of the population, their role is increasing.
請問percentage百分率, 百分比,怎麼簡寫? pct對嗎?
China's e-commerce industry expected to grow at over 50 pct every ...
BEIJING, April 17 (Xinhuanet) -- China's e-commerce, in a crucial stage of development, is to grow at over 50 percent every year, said Song Ling, chairman of ...
RL答:either pct. or p.c.要提醒一下:此兩者不能混用。per cent 前面一定要有數字;percentage不與數字連用。所以
現在,我們可以舉些其他例子,供參考。pc/pct/p.c. 都有人用。譬如說,
China poised for GM future as rice yields leap 10pc
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
(Filed: 29/04/2005)
Farmers growing genetically modified rice in field trials have reported crop yields up by 10 per cent, pesticide use down 80 per cent and fewer pesticide-related health problems.
比較需要注意的是一般用" by x %" 或 " by x percent"的表示法:
The labour force is expected to grow by 2% next year.
I.B.M. Boosts Dividend by 11 Percent
Published: April 26, 2005
NEW YORK (AP) -- International Business Machines Corp. said Tuesday its board raised the company's quarterly cash dividend by 11 percent to 20 cents per share, and authorized $5 billion in additional funds for use in its stock repurchase program.