Boldly Going Nowhere
The desire to walk on an alien planet will not — any century soon — be sated by human-filled starships. Instead, we will extend our senses beyond Earth with telepresence proxies and data collectors.
Yahoo Stands Behind Its Board Again
Yahoo Chairman Bostock and CEO Yang issued a new letter to company shareholders Thursday, criticizing what they called the "Carl Icahn-Microsoft alliance" as offering an agenda that "will destroy stockholder value."
go/get/head nowhereto not have any success or achieve anything:
I'm trying to persuade her to come, but I'm getting nowhere.
Bad manners will get you nowhere (= will not help you to succeed). agenda Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting:
There were several important items on the agenda.
The question of security is high on the agenda for this afternoon's meeting.
2 a list of aims or possible future achievements:
Women's rights have been put back on the agenda (= are being discussed publicly again).
The subject of safety must be placed high on/at the top of the agenda (= must be discussed because it is very important).
Education was placed firmly on the political agenda in the Prime Minister's week-end speech.
proxy━━ n. 代理(人,権); 代用物; 委任状.
Politics by Proxy
Word Count: 698
The SEC is debating a change in the proxy rules for corporate shareholders, and to understand the perils look no further than the new AFL-CIO campaign to strongarm business into providing "universal health care." Big Labor is trying to use its proxy leverage to sway business into endorsing a political goal that may be contrary to shareholder interests.
It's no surprise that unions would back the Democratic agenda for government-run health care. What's new is that labor won't do this only through the political process. According to an article in Financial Week that quotes Dan Pedrotty, the director of the ...
The late Peter Drucker once called this "pension-fund socialism." This is also a warning for Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Chris Cox, ...
strong-arm ━━ a., vt. 〔話〕 暴力的な; 〔話〕 …に暴力を用いる; 強奪する.)